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Picked up clarkgriswald911 at 5:00am and headed for Scofield. Arrived about 6:20 to a crisp 4 degrees. Parked on the east side across from the island, unloaded and followed a snowmobile track out toward the island. At the end of the track a bunch of boy scouts had stayed the night just south of the island. They spent most of the morning crawling around the island, fishing, and sleigh riding.
Drilled a couple of holes in 9ft of water just east of the island. Started out slow. For 30 minutes just a few fish swimming by. Then things heated up a little. Iced a two tigers 17 & 19 inches. Then a bow and a cutt. It was nice to finally get into the larger tigers I have been hearing about.
Things slowed down so we moved. This time we set up about half way between the island and the east shore in 12 ft of water. Fishing was steady for the next hour and a half for cutts and bows. It slowed about noon so we left. Fun day, but not as fast as the last two weeks.
The snow was better this week. Some of the slush has frozen to the point you can walk on it and not sink. Some places are still mushy and will be hard to get through without snowshoes. Quite a few new snowmobile trails to follow. making it much easier to get around. Lots more people fishing this week.
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Thanks for posting your report Chester, sounds like you caught a couple of nice tigers. How think is the ice up there? WH2
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I was up there Saturday as well, and with a power auger, almost ran out of auger trying to punch through. In my estimation the ice was between 18-20 inches with a foot of snow on top and only 2 inches of slush underneath.
I also caught a mixed bag. I iced 4 Rainbows, 3 Tigers and 1 Cutthroat. Very exciting! I haven't caught a Cutthroat up there for a year or two. I had 3 get off at the hole, and missed a ton, having gone through 2 dozen wax worms. This was the fastest action I've had all year up there.
I have one question I'm sure some of you experts on here can answer. I know the Cutts in Scofield aren't the same as the ones in Strawberry (Bearlake Cutt?). What specific species of Cutt did I catch in Scofield?
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Great report, thanks for the info on the ice too. I'm not sure about your question on the cutts. You might be able to PM bearlakefishguy and ask him that question if no one else replies. What makes you think the cutts at Scofield aren't from Bear lake? WH2
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What makes you think the cutts at Scofield aren't from Bear lake? WH2 [/reply]
I dunno, I guess they just look very different to me with the only real similarity being the "cuts" under the chin. Clearly I'm no expert, but I know someone on here will have a definitive answer. I may just have to take your suggestion and send a PM. BTW, all fish I caught were between 15-20 inches. First fish of the day was a 20-inch Tiger.
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Wow, a 20 inch tiger, they sure are growing good in there. The BL cutts take on the color of the water they are in. I'm sure you have seen a Berry cutt, have you seen a cutt from Bear lake?
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I don't think I have. In fact the only time I've ever been to BL was when I went swan hunting a couple years ago. I think you have a pretty valid point though with a body of water being a factor in the physical characteristics of a fish. Interesting.
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I have one question I'm sure some of you experts on here can answer. I know the Cutts in Scofield aren't the same as the ones in Strawberry (Bearlake Cutt?). What specific species of Cutt did I catch in Scofield?[/reply]
The cutthroat in Scofield are Yellowstone cutts. They reproduce naturally in the tributaries, which is why they are closed to protect the spawning trout.
SCOFIELD RESERVOIR TRIBUTARIES (Carbon, Sanpete and Utah counties, including Gooseberry Creek)
CLOSED January 1 through 6 a.m. on the • second Saturday of July (12th).
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The only fish species that have been stocked (according to the stocking records) into Scofield in the last four years have been rainbows and tiger trout. The cutthroat are being spawned in the tributary streams. Most likely Yellowstones or Colorado River cutts.
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Looks like you got your answer, I was hoping someone would know, thanks guys. Here a picture of a Bear lake Cutt.