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NHF&G News: Glenn Normandeau Appointed as Fish and Game Executive Director
CONCORD, N.H. -- Glenn Normandeau of Portsmouth, N.H., has been appointed for a four-year term as Executive Director of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Governor John H. Lynch nominated Normandeau in February, and his appointment was approved by the New Hampshire Executive Council on March 5. He will assume his duties on Monday, March 31.

"You have in me a true believer in this Department and its future. I am passionate about managing our fish and wildlife resources wisely," said Normandeau. "I am humbled that Governor Lynch and the Fish and Game Commission have nominated me for this position. I am excited at the prospect of leading the Department forward."

"Like many other states' natural resource agencies, New Hampshire's Fish and Game Department has been impacted by funding problems. However, the Department has a dedicated staff of capable professionals who deliver every day on their commitment to the fish and wildlife resources and the citizens of this state," Normandeau said. "Fish and Game is a hardworking, self-funded agency that does a difficult job on a very tight budget."

Normandeau noted that the January 2008 Legislative Audit Report "found the general functions of the Fish and Game Department are assigned to the agency most adequately prepared and equipped to administer them. The Department does a tremendous job at carrying out its primary mission - the conservation, preservation and management of fish, wildlife and their habitats." However, numerous observations related to funding, controls and administration were made. "The staff at Fish and Game are already working on the internal changes that were suggested," said Normandeau, "and we intend to move aggressively to implement them. I look forward to working with the House and Senate to address the findings in the audit that require legislative action, such as the need to find new revenue streams to support the Department's expanded role serving the state."

Normandeau is an avid angler and hunter who served for more than five years as a Fish and Game Commissioner representing New Hampshire's seacoast region. He is an experienced businessman and an expert in waterfront projects and permitting; Normandeau has been President and Owner of Pickering Marine Corporation, a specialist in marine contracting, for 17 years. He served six years as the marine industry representative on the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Wetlands Council. Previously, he worked as a senior field supervisor for Normandeau Associates, an environmental consulting and engineering firm in Bedford, N.H., where he was responsible for the water quality/fisheries field operations. He also owned and operated a commercial fishing vessel out of Portsmouth from 1984 to 1990.

N.H. Fish and Game works in partnership with the public to conserve, manage and protect the state's fish, wildlife and marine resources and their habitats; inform and educate the public about these resources; and provide the public with opportunities to use and appreciate them. Visit


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