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Pond reports wanted?
It seems most reports are about big lakes or rivers. But for the most part, I'll be visiting ponds (mostly Davis county, maybe Weber ever so often). I've only seen one or two reports for community spots, in the 3 months I've been here.
So does anybody want my reports, or should I leave posting space for you "lakers"?

And in case anybody wants to join me, I'm goin' to Holmes Creek Reservoir (Davis county) next Tuesday (Apr.1) afternoon... 11 A.M. to 4 or 5 P.M.
(Thanks lunkerhunter2, I found how to get there! Smile )
I know that I tend to report less on small waters. I do it because to reort that I had caught my limit of 16" trout at jensen pond in 1 hour yesterday could cause a run on a small pond like that and eridicate those fish real fast.
When you report on a biger lake there is less chance of hurting the fishery by your report. When I do report on a place like Holmes creek I am very casual about what I used and caught, instead restricting the facts to things like the water temp, clarity and level.

So go ahead and report on anywhere you like, but consider how many will read the post and what impact it could have on the near fuure use of the water and wether the water can handle it.

I'd love to join you at HC on the 1st, but I'll be working and my fishing partner will be in school. I plan on taking a ride up tomorrow or next day to check it out.
No problem.[cool]

I agree with Troll about the info you post on the smaller ponds. I fish the comm. ponds every other day or so but don't report good or bad on them. They only get so many fish per stocking and they usually only last a few days as is. Is holmes ice free?
Hrm... I didn't quite think of the small stock limit of fish, I guess. Though I wouldn't be doing clarity and depth, and tackle specifics... I just put my line in, and see what happens LOL I don't even know if I'm using the right bait (got some of that gooy 'play dough' type stuff).

I just went down to look today. Half a dozen people there - typical for a early spring Friday afternoon? No ice, as far as I could tell. But I only went halfway down the trail... boy, that's gonna tucker me out, when I come back up that whole slope and toting gear! I guess it's not a big deal for normal people, but I got heart failure. Might have to bring my oxygen pack!

I might go Monday afternoon (after 2 P.M.), when work is done. Tuesday's my only FULL day off work.
I was at Holmes last saturday and i'd estimate that it was about 20% open water. I haven't been since to see how much more has melted.

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