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[font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4][cool]What is the saying "15% of the water holds 85% of the fish" or something like that. So in the pictures below where you just arrived, to what number would you make your first cast?[/size][/#008000][/font] [inline wtf.jpg]
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I have said it before, I start off as close to me as I can and work my way across. Don't scare all the fish away that way.
So probably #6 to #7 to #9, #10...then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
By casting to the other side right off the bat, you will spook the fish in the middle and right in-front of you. I know everyone casts to that over hang on the other side, but there are fish all over.
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6 - 10- 2.. looks to me like all will allow your fly to drift down stream naturally..
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hehehe at least I got the 6 right.. and my 2 was earlier.. but Im still learning.. [cool]
MacFly [cool]
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it has always been my understanding that a good way to do things.. is to cast up river and let the fly drift..
I agree or at least see your point on starting close and then casting further out.. but if you are allowing the fly to drift in the current wouldnt you be covering 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 in that drift??
MacFly [  ]
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I am assuming 5 is straight in front of the ffer. I like to cast up and let it drift down as you mentioned, but also straight across and let it drift down along with down stream at time and concentrate on the retrieve more than the drift. Specially with woolly's or mudlers.
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hmmm so you are doing a high drift to a low drift.. and then straight down stream.. now.. when you cast downstream.. do you let extra line out.. or do you hold it in place and then retrieve.. ?? I would think that if you hold it in place and then retrieve it upstream you are going against the "natural flow" of things.. in which case wouldnt the fish notice that.. ??
MacFly [  ]
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You were correct in the first part. "S" but still watch for line to straighten. Or I feed line out during the drift.
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may be the end of a long day here sis.. but you lost me on the "S" part.. [:p]
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Wiggle your line forming "S" in the slack.
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hell that is the way my line lools most of the time.. :-)... but seriously.. I thought was what you meant but you know me.. if I am not sure.. I will ask..
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[cool][font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4]With this particular body of water I like to visualize it as a face of a clock. Fish the hour hand sweep first and then the minute hand. Like FGD said if there are fish close by you certainly don't want to chase them off. Oh yea and tread slowly.[/size][/#008000][/font]
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so am I even close.. LOL.. but have to ask.. you reference hour hand and sweep hand... can you give us numbers that coordinate with that... ??
I am sure I would tread very softly.. especially under the tutoring of you and FG.. plus I would be very concerned about slipping and falling on my large posterior.. and that I can assure everyone.. would scare the fishies for miles up and down the stream.. [laugh]
MacFly [cool]
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[cool][font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4] Now you don't want me to super impose a clock on that body of water or do you? [ ] Hint - the hour hand makes a short sweep & the minute hand makes a broad sweep. I would probably cast to 4, 9 & 10 first. Since the water flow is coming from the anglers right casting a fly to # 5 might bring your line right back at you. Wondered why the angler chose that spot to fish from? I would have prefered that little sand bar at #3. I guess one had to be there! [:p][/size][/#008000][/font]
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Im still  .. not on the clock thing but your comment on the flow of the river.. you said it is coming from the anglers right...??
what I am seeing is it is coming from his left (note rocks on the upper right corner of the picture).. with that in mind I was looking at a flow from upstream (anglers left) to downstream (anglers right)..
MacFly [cool]
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[center][font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4] [inline rf.jpg]
[center][cool]Well here is a blow up of the river to the angler's port side. Looks like the flow is coming from the angler's starboard side. Do I need to get my prescription renewed? [ ][/size][/#008000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000080]my bad... better make an appointment for the optometrist for me this weekend.. [blush][/#000080][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000080][/#000080][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000080]MacFly[/#000080][/font]
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From that blow up and what I saw in the top picture, it looks like it is going from right to left in the blow up, and it the big picture he is standing down flow. At least that is what it looks to me with the little wakes of the rocks and pockets the rocks form.
Maybe I am not seeing it right either.
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hehehe you figure out where it is and do the driving.. Ill help pay for the gas.. if it has fishies in it it would worth the time to try it anyway.. and like you said.. we will start on the other bank.. :-)
MacFly [cool]
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I guess cause I fish waters like that I see it going the other direction. More or less bottom to top. In the last picture, it looks like maybe shallower with riffles...MY FAVORITE!