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Made my first ever trip to pineview, took my family camping at Anderson cove. Main objective was to fish for tiger musky, we did manage to catch 5, but did not get in as much fishing as hoped - very windy and generally not very pleasant weather, and in fact Tuesday (June 10) we had several hours of sustained winds near 50mph - I can't believe the tents held up. Friday morning just before we broke down camp made one last troll near the damn and my wife caught a very large brown trout on a large musky bait - it was about 28 inches, we put it back so maybe someone can catch it again at 30+ inches.
Fun place to fish - I'll definately make a return trip - hopefully weather will be better. I get the feeling the winds kick up just about every afternoon on pineview - is that the case?
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[cool][#0000ff]Good report. Glad the wind let you get in some fishing.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That is a purty brown trout. But, I gotta warn ya that you are likely to catch a lot of grief for taking the picture with your fingers in the gills. Many of us know that holding the gill flap is a good way to control large fish, and does not injure the gill filaments. But, there are some members who only post to criticize others who LOOK LIKE they are sticking their fingers in the gills.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]For future reference, try holding the fish differently. Even a lip gripper on the lower jaw looks better.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Congrats again on a great fish and we hope you are able to get a return match when it has grown a bit.[/#0000ff]
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Congrats on the nice fish! Those browns are becoming more common up there! [cool]
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What a sweet fish! Thanks for sharing. I'm thinking a fish that size would have been on the wall.
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Nice trout. I always graph 'em right down the middle of the channel by the dam and I trolled for them a couple times when I was taking a break from bassin'. I dropped some lead core out and took a swing at 'em but when I told people what I'd been doing they laughed me outta the room. I'm glad you and some others have validated my ideas (I'll pretend my odds were better than they were)
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How do you know that you are marking browns down there and not Carp?
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[cool][#0000ff]By the spots.[/#0000ff]
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What type of "Musky Bait" were you using when you caught the brown, if you don't mind me asking? And also how deep were you fishing?
I would love to land a big Hookjaw like that!
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The lure was a 6" believer (Chartreuse with red and black spots) - but I don't think they make that color anymore, firetiger seems to be the closet color.
I'd estimate the lure was running about 10 feet down. I just found another post here where someone else caught a big brown off cemetery point last month.
Good fishing,
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There actually have been several reports of big browns being caught this year at Pineview. Seems like there is at least one every week. The browns must be doing really well in there. There was actually another report of a huge Rainbow caught by Lunkerhunter2 out of there also. That place is becoming a Trophy trout fishery and I would love to get my hands on some of them. Thanks for the info.
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Nice fish for sure. You should have kept it though. By the looks of you holding it in gills and the blood on it I would say its dead by now.
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Yes the hold was awkward and on the wrong side of the fish - I had not been out fishing in a couple of years since moving across country and I water released the muskies, so I guess I'm out of pratice holding fish. The blood was from the treble hook in the mouth, not the gills - I did hold the fish by the tail in the water for a while and it did swim off under its own power. I also sat in the area for 5 minutes and the fish did not come back up to the surface.
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Either way that is one nice Brown.. Love the hook jaw on that thing.
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Very nice fish.
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That is one nice trophy!! I'm glad you took the pic and then released. Even though it would love lovely on a wall, you have the pic to prove it, and now someone else might catch it!
Great job!
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"Nice fish for sure. You should have kept it though. By the looks of you holding it in gills and the blood on it I would say its dead by now."
[#400080]Unbelievable, well not quite, I am surprised this thread made it this long without an idiotic reply.[/#400080]
[#400080]Great brown, congrats to you and your wife.[/#400080]
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If he kept the fish it would be dead for sure.
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Hey Trigger maybe that would be a good place to try out those downriggers. May have to arrange a try at them. With you.
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That is a Huge Brown! Great catch!