06-16-2008, 10:10 PM
SANDUSKY, OH - The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Office of Coastal Management recently awarded a total of $241,957 in grants to communities on Lake Erie in order to enhance public access, preserve important habitats and foster greater appreciation of the area's nautical history.
<br>Coastal Management Assistance Grants are awarded to organizations and communities along Ohio's north coast to improve and protect Lake Erie. Four local government entities - the city of Eastlake Port Authority, Danbury Township in Ottawa County, the city of Elyria in Lorain County, and the Erie County Health Department, along with the Great Lakes Historical Society in Vermilion, will directly benefit this year.<br>
<br>The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration funds the grants, which are awarded on a competitive basis. A match of at least 50 percent of the project's total cost is required. Each project selected addresses at least one of the Ohio Coastal Management Program's funding categories including public access, coastal habitat, water quality, coastal hazards, coastal dependent uses and community development, and government coordination and decision-making.<br>
<br>ODNR has awarded more than $2.6 million in Coastal Management Assistance Grants since the program began in 1997. A list of all previous grant awards is available online by selecting the "Grants" link at ohiodnr.com/coastal.<br>
<br>Applications and guidelines for the next round of grants to be awarded in 2009 will be available at the same Web site in September 2008 or by contacting the Office of Coastal Management at coastal@dnr.state.oh.us or 419-626-7980.
<br>Coastal Management Assistance Grants are awarded to organizations and communities along Ohio's north coast to improve and protect Lake Erie. Four local government entities - the city of Eastlake Port Authority, Danbury Township in Ottawa County, the city of Elyria in Lorain County, and the Erie County Health Department, along with the Great Lakes Historical Society in Vermilion, will directly benefit this year.<br>
<br>The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration funds the grants, which are awarded on a competitive basis. A match of at least 50 percent of the project's total cost is required. Each project selected addresses at least one of the Ohio Coastal Management Program's funding categories including public access, coastal habitat, water quality, coastal hazards, coastal dependent uses and community development, and government coordination and decision-making.<br>
<br>ODNR has awarded more than $2.6 million in Coastal Management Assistance Grants since the program began in 1997. A list of all previous grant awards is available online by selecting the "Grants" link at ohiodnr.com/coastal.<br>
<br>Applications and guidelines for the next round of grants to be awarded in 2009 will be available at the same Web site in September 2008 or by contacting the Office of Coastal Management at coastal@dnr.state.oh.us or 419-626-7980.