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New to the forum. I've read lots of good stuff so far about fishing reports and water flows. Very helpful info. Thanks everyone.
Unfortunately, I have not gotten out too much this year because of the ridiculous gas prices lately. I usually go out and hit the rivers alone. When I do go, I'll always run into so many people up there all by themselves as well. I can't help but think that we could save some gas with a few carpools going on. I'm curious if any fellow fishing freaks out there would like to look at joining up for a road trip or two? Maybe post that weekends fishing outing and if there's a seat available.
PersonalIy, I like to go when the crowds aren't as bad; during the middle of the week (if vacation time allows) and then Sunday mornings.

I'd love to carpool, and my work schedule is flexible enough that I can go during the week. However, I don't fish Sundays, and I'm a novice, so I ask a lot of questions. I have plans for this week, but if you want to head out during the rest of the summer, shoot me a PM or start a thread here, and let's see if we can get some people to go. I agree that gas prices are really limiting fishing trips. Anyone else up for carpooling?
I usually share gas expenses with other fisherman and carpool up to the lakes/rivers we are going to fish. I usually post up an open invite and they fill up fast. Look in the fishing invites section and PM those you would like to fish with... [fishin]
(Orvis1) I went to the invites section under General and I'm amazed. People just poured in on that post. I like the format put up there too; it lets you see who fishs what, where, and when. I'll have to read through all of them and set up a few trips.

Thanks for the help.

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