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FL Anglers Polls Wanted! WIN Cabela's Gift Cards!!
[#000050]Here's another Offer just for Florida Anglers!

We're currently working on completing the state pages with content and need poll questions for the Florida State Page on BigFishTackle.Com! To reward you, the FL anglers, for your efforts and helping us complete the state page we are giving away Cabela's Gift Cards!![/#000050]
(we apologize for the typo, the actual amount for 1st & 2nd prize are below)

We will pick the top two poll questions:
[#800000]1st Prize: $50 Gift Card to Cabela's
2nd Prize: $25 Gift Card to Cabela's

[/#800000][#000050]YOU MUST reply to this post with your poll question and 3-5 answers, to be included in the contest! We will NOT count polls that have been submitted twice, so check and make no one has already used your question. [/#000050]

Here's an example question with answers. Please follow this format for your submissions:

What type of Fish do you usually catch while fishing FL?


[#800000]This contest has been extended!
Now it ENDS AUGUST 8, 2008!
[fishin] you always hear the fishing reports about catching certain fish in certain depths but are not told how far you have to go to reach that depth. so for instance: [#4040ff]How far do you have to go out of Clearwater, Florida to reach a depth of 100 ft?[/#4040ff]
How do i find fish while fishing off a bridge? ie Gandy? Thanks
When I go to a new area to fish, how can I determine the most likely places to put lines in to catch fish, particularly in the backcountry?

A) Go to Google Earth, and scout the area for creeks, deep holes, grass beds, sand flats and shoals.
B) Ask the folks in the local bait shop.
C) Hire a guide and tell him you want him to educate you on the area.
D) Apply what you know about prospectvie spots from your home waters to the new area.
E) Get a tide chart for the new area.
F) All of teh above
I can't keep up with the fishing regulations, how about you? Is there a way we can limit the changes, or a way to inform people with valid licenses of the changes. I don't mind if there is a small increase in the cost of licensing if we can get an email or something that tells us about the New Regulations.
Hey Everyone, thanks for entering! We've extended the deadline though because we aren't getting enough responses with answers.

Please check out the rules up top and provide questions with 3-5 multiple choice answers! We'll pick the winners first thing next week! Good luck!
what to look for when fishing for king fish?
1. birds over head in area slow trolling
3. schools of bait fish along beaches
4.outer edges of reef structures
what must liscenced anglers have aboard there boat while gulf fishing? hooks as apposed to j hooks. [circle hooks allow a more constant lip hook rather than the more common stomache or esophagus hook with a j hook]
2. [#000000]dehooker [the dehooker allows for a safe removal of a hook ensuring a greater survival rate of released fish][/#000000]
3.[#000000] venting tool [Reef fish taken from depths of 50 feet or more may need to be de vented. they
may undergo expansion of the gases in the swim
bladder as they are brought to the surface. Signs of
this condition are protrusion of the stomach from its
mouth, bulging eyes and a bloated belly. Proper use
of a venting tool will help the fish survive by allowing
it to safely return to the bottom.
Deflation of a bloated Gulf reef fish must be done
with the venting tool by inserting the needle into the
body cavity at a 45-degree angle under a scale in an
area approximately 1 to 2 inches behind the base
of the pectoral fin just deep enough to release the
trapped gas and to release the fish with minimum
If the stomach is protruding from the mouth, don’t
puncture it or try to put it back into the mouth. It will
return to its normal location following the release of a
properly vented fish.[/#000000]
This Mini Contest is officially over! Thanks to everyone who participated!

Here are our winners:

1st Prize - $50 Gift Card to Cabelas: johnnyirish11

2nd Prize - $25 Gift Card to Cabelas: prhnkp

Congratulations! If you're a winner, claim your prize by sending an email to [url ""][/url] from the email address you used to register on BigFishTackle.Com. Be sure to include your username and current mailing address!

We'll send your prize out to you ASAP!

Thanks again, everyone!

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