I think its terrible that people do fishing. I have tried my darndest to even stop fish from eating other fish.
I remember getting getting mad at wipers at Willard for feeding on gizzard shad, terrible. The poor things are being eaten and eaten by the greedy appetites of wipers catfish and even walleye and perch.
The best thing to do is visit any lake and then take rocks— there is always plenty of them—and through them onto the water. This is an effective method of getting the fish to stop eating and hurting each other. But I have lost quite a few jobs so I can't do that all the time, bothers me.
The fisherman look at me like I'm weird but hey...
I know fishing hurts whether we catch them or whether its fish eating other fish.
You should see largemouth bass eat bluegills. goes on all the time at Pelican Lake. Ugh! Imagine yourself being a bluegill and then
swoop! A hungry bass eats you and you slowly die in its stomach.
I don't want to go any further because I don't want all the BFTers to stop fishing. I know they have feelings for other fish.

ly fish have no feelings at all for other fish, which is why I'm making a new website in the future called
I'm gonna ask tubedude and other BFTers for help making the website.[cool]
You know there are some stupid people on this planet, not that I don't mind protecting animals.
fishinghurts.com is wacky to say the least! Do these guys ever stop to think about what they are even considering? These are animals! Hello?
Sorry to say those folks have something going on in their heads. We all have our problems but stopping fisherman from eating in favor of "fish human intelligence".
Had a conversation with a wiper one day. Told me it liked watching "Flipper the Dolphin" on "Aqua Television", an aquatic television network show for fish that live in the Bonneville Basin, ha ha ha!
Lions eat zebras. Wolves eat elk and deer, ect,ect. Fish eat other fish.
What are we to do cry? [crazy] Oh my!