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Fish Taxidermy
I have a really nice 27" rainbow that I caught in East Canyon Early this spring. I've had it frozen since I caught it with the intent to have it mounted. I finally have the money to do it and don't know where to take it. Does anyone have any good recommendations for a good taxidermist for fish?


Dan Johnson Wilderness Taxidermy in Syracuse 776-7091
He is one of the best around.[Wink]
Dan is good. But it is hard to catch him the shop with waterfowl season open.
Bryce Lowder
I do what the voices in my wife's head tell me to.
Sid Killian is awesome. he is in West Jordan and is doing a Cutt for me right now. I'll PM you his munber.
I second Sid he has done some fish for Brookieguy1 and he does great work
It was nice to meet you at the Berry today,Some day we'll have to hit the water together...

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