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Reading a post. Me and my wife were debating. She loves to ice catch. No fish no fun as far as she is concerned. If we are catching fish she will tolerate 50 below. I figured more gals will ice fish than she thinks. (she thinks she's special) I do too.[angelic]
But I don't think I am that alone. How about your gal will she go out ice fishing?
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My wife likes to come on a ice trip now and again. Now that we have a ice tent she will probably come more often.
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NO NO NO NO & NO !!!! She thinks im nuts [crazy] She hates the cold weather...
Pack it in
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The Mrs. fishes with me quite a bit winter & summer, we do have ice shelters and I'm sure that helps especially when mother nature calls and you are along way from the restroom. Both my daughters and granddaughter ice fish as well.[fishin]
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I8Trout is right there with me. I actually feel bad when she works on a Saturday and I'm out fishing without her. I believe she actually likes fishing more then I do. As for ice fishing she was out for the first time at scofield with not too much equipment and we got skunked but she is ready to go again. We are heading to the Burbot Bash Saturday. So we hope to meet you all there.
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NO WAY, NO HOW. My wife hates fishing and fish themselves [:/]. She won't even touch them and i do all the cooking of fish in our house, which i dont mind at all. She does let me go whenever i like and take the boys with me whenever possible, gets them out of her hair too...
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My wife used to be on every trip with me. Now that we have young kids it is a different story. She will go if conditions allow the kids to come with us. Slowly, we are leaving them at bbsitter for a few hours at a time and going alone.
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When I dated my wife she was the ultimate fisher. We went to her families cabin for a reunion and she even gutted fish with me. I was amazed at her desire to fish.
Then things changed. We got married.
My wife was willing to touch bloody fish guts, just to try to win me over. That is dedication. She hasn't touched a dead fish since we got married.
She does love to ice fish. Especially Strawberry, where she can look down the hole and see the fish staring at her lure. As long as there is a shelter, heat and someone else to touch the fish, she's there.
I am trying to get her to the Burbot bash also.
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NO WAY! She went ice fishing with me twice before we got married! I think it was her sacrifice to try to get me to put a ring on her finger! Too bad for her it took me another 4 years lol. She will go on the boat in the summer, but that's just so she can lay in the sun. I don't think she will ever step foot on the ice again now that she got what she wanted! Marriage [:p]
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Yes, on occasion she will go, although her complaint is the early morning  Last year, at a trip to Yuba she hopped in the eskimo, turned on the heater and started fishin.... I stayed outside and caught my limit... When I broke in to see how she was she was sleeping with a perch tuggin her line.... I still LOL when I look at the pic I took
She is a good sport... her and the kids go with me whenever they can.... there is always wrestling, Jits, B-ball - they have their hobbies too....
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My wife loves to ice fish or just fish and we take the kids with us.
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My wife fishes with me often, summer on the boat and winter on the ice. I always try to talk about how warm it is and never say it is colder than I expected.
For ice fishing, warm clothes and boots for her are a must. Hand and foot warmers are great too. I usually set up the ice tent and turn on the heater for her once I get the holes drilled. She usually brings a "book bag" with things to read when the bite is slow.
She also likes to clean the occasional fish just to check out the guts, it's the biologist in her.
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The better half loves to fish it don't mater if it is -20 or +80
she is there with me, she love the derby's at the gorge,
So I lucked out with her,
In the boat we work as a team !!!!!
32 years on 1/30/09 doing something right ? [angelic][crazy][fishin] Maybe it's the fishing [  ]
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I'm not a wife anymore. And besides, my husband didn't like fishing much. On our last summer vacation together, he sat in the truck and listened to audio books, while I was fishin' for a couple hours.
I absolutely love fishing (and catching, of course). I absolutely despise the cold. But everybody convinced me I should at least give it a try, so I will... when I get the right gear and chose a decently warm day! LOL
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No. She tells me to have fun and see you later. Will go in the boat for the ride, sun bath and read a book and drink a glass of wine, But Fish, NOPE.
My daughter however is a fishing maniac! she outfishes me quite often along with some other BFT members she has schooled ]
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Now days, my wife only goes ice fishing with me on nice days and with our grandkids.
These trips are among my favorite!
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My wife loves to ice fish. She loves to take a nap in the bottom of the quick flip II. Last year on a trip to lake powell she woke up early to fish while everyone was still asleep. Not only did she catch a fish she released it on her own. (the first time she has ever done that.) It sure is nice to have a great friend to fish with.
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A buddy of mine, recently divorced and on the prowl. Joined a match making web site. Its funny about 80% or 90% of the gals on there said they love to fish and camp as one of there hobbies. I wonder how many would actually like to fish and camp as most of do. My guess is a lot fewer.
If I really think about it I got a real hard core crew with me. My wife loves the outdoors just as much as me. And all our kids are into it as well. And don't mind putting up with harsh conditions. At home my daughter are as prissy as you can get but there. Get them out camping and they turn into filthy pigs and love it. As for the boy what can I say. 6 yrs old and has more patience and dedication (fishing) than I had at 20. It must be superior genetics.[  ]
If I could see a down side at all its I don't get out alone or with my buddies as much as I used to. If thats a down side.
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she likes to go, she'll even load the blazer with the gear, carry stuff to the fishing hole. The only thing she doesn't like to do is touch the worms, she will but does not like it
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When invited, my wife will go only about half the time. Too cold for her, she says.