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2 day fishlake fun!
well i wantted to hit fishlake one more time before going back to work.. so as warm as the wether has been i thought a camping tip was in order! [sly]..

first day got there around 10:00 in the mornning got camp set up and the gear loaded on the sleds and headed for the mack hole.. got there and got the hut set up holes punched and was fishing! it was realy slow all day i was putting a lot of effert in to mack fishing so did not hit to many splak.. stayed slow right up tell dark when we moved in to shalower water to try some night fishing.. we cought a bunch of small bow's and splake and bow's tell about 7:30 8:00. then it was time for dinner and some sleep..

next day was a lot better fishing all around.. we got out early we left the hut's on the ice so we did not have to deal with setting them up.. we started in the same area as the night before.. my buddy was knocking the crap out of the smaller splake while i missed a bunch.. after about 45 min's of that i said i'm moveing out to see if the mack's want to play today.. got to the mack hole 60 feet of water seen lot of mark's up high on the finder and soom on the bottom.. so i set one pole up with a 3" pearl tipped with perch the other 1 i had set up with the lucky custom jig i have caught most my big fish with this year.. well i started just spanking the splake and bow's with the pearl up high 20 to 30 feet down jigging hard.. i left the other jig down deep waiting for mack's.. well after 3 hours and haveing a lot of deep fish come up and give it a good look but not hit (i hated to do it but did change my jig) i went to one of coldfooter other jig he made up just for me!! it looks a lot like a red side shiner with my custom jig head.. droped it down and after 3 or 4 looker's i had one come up to take a look and droped back down. so i droped it down to it watchs the finder and seen it pop right back on it bang fish on.. it was a 23" mack. cool well we went about a hour and i did the same thing again it was a mack 23" both were good fights for there size.. that was the last fish of the day we were packing up to go when i hit that one..

good times at fish lake. [sly]

here are the pic's..
LOL, so your still using that old ripped up sweety huh? Its been treating you good ol' buddy. I still havent actually dug through the piles I have to find ya more like that but will. One problem is,, [laugh] ,, I forgot exactly which one it is so send me a pic via PM.
I'm going to try and get out most of next week, might slap around a few Mack for chits and giggles. But a lot of the week will probably be spend chasing Piking and Musky through the cap.
lol well that one jig hit a 27" 26" 24" 22" splake at JV and a 26" mack at fish lake.. and count less smaller splake before it just got to ripped up to use.. every time i would set the hook i would rip the jig head right out of the frount of it.. so it's got a well dersurved spot on my wall of fame. and i give it a rest. lol..

but i must say them shinner tubes ya made up seem to put the hurt to them today! [sly].

makeing a last dich effert to put some points on the board are ya? [:p] i hope ya get a big one my friend!! good luck with the gatermouth's!
you taking ATV's out on the ice? Are people driving anywhere they want on the ice?
i should have taken my dad atv insted i took my snowmobile.. did not even take it off the traler.. no snow on the ice only on the east side.. i seen lots of atv's out there tho.. the ice is 8 to 10 inch's everywhere we went so as long as it dont snow a bunch up there with this storm ya should be ok!
How big do the perch get down there? Is it worth a trip down there for the perch?
If ya need bait.
most the perch i have seen are around 6" i have seen them up to 12" tho. the addvrage size is 6" but you can keep 50 perch so you can get about as much perch meat with your 50 as you would get from 20 yuba perch.. lol

you make the call if it's worth the trip for perch..

i think it's worth the trip just for the scenery, splake, lake trout, and bow's..

we counted 8 Bald Eagle's out on the ice the other day.. cleaning up someone's disgarded fish i would guess i did not walk out to see what they were eating..

you have to watch your fish there on the ice! if the Eagle's think that they can get it before you can stop them they will take off with your fish. and will come very close to ya to get them! realy cool when they do that inless they are flying off with your 5 lbs splake! lol
Sounds like my kind of place. Thanks for the information and update. I need to work that into my schedule. Sounds like you had an amazing trip.

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