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Ice Fishing Courtesy Question
I have a question and please know that I am not looking to stir the pot in any way...just kind of a question to all of my fellow anglers about courtesy on the ice.

On Saturday, I started fishing a spot on Strawberry which was well off of the beaten path. I mean...I couldn't see anyone from where me and my two partners were fishing. We had been fishing for about 15 minutes when two guys on a snowmobile come right up to us and start drilling holes all around us with their power auger. Their closest holes were roughly 15 yards from us.

I completely understand if the lake is very busy that the fishing might get a little close. I'll also admit that I am new to Utah ice fishing, I just know personally that I would not drill that close to someone with an entire lake to fish. I'd love to hear all of your thoughts on the matter.

Chad Miller
15 yards is a bit too close for me. Which only means I wouldnt be drilling that close to anyone. However some people like to be jerks. I really dont think 15 yards is way close but I wouldnt do it. I can see how you'd be irritated though. Wait till they sit on your chair cause they mistake it for theirs! Thats actually happened.
It happens, and much too often for my liking. I've had guys come over and start fishing out of one of the holes I've cut, as I move from spot to spot looking for fish. And like you, it was a big open pond all around us. And they'll sit right on top of you.
Sorry that happened to you.
When i've been fishing and someone come up to close. I ask them if there fish and game. And if they are lets get this out of the way so they can be on there way[cool]
I think that is completely unsportsman like. I would never do that to anybody. There are a lot of jerks out there.
Very tactful way to handle it! [Smile] In this case I just Smiled....try to make some small talk....and when they were obviously not interested in talking, we packed up and found a new hole acros the lake.

I figured if they would have asked if we minded them fishing near us, I wouldn't have had any reservation....the more the merrier. Oh well....I think we all probably had a good day on the ice!

Chad Miller
I have had the same thing happen to me. I am usually on foot, so breaking out from the crowd is not as easy as for those who are more motorized. For me, if they ask I will usually just let them fish with me, but when they assume they can just fish right on top of me, it makes me mad. People should understand that when someone intentionally fishes in an isolated place, it was not by accident. Give em some space.
I usually apologise to them for taking their spot before they could get there to claim it. Then I say well, what the hell, I've got the whole lake so I won't be an a--hole & stay here & crowd you.
Next time just run right up to them, hand them a beer, kiss them on the check, give them a Wink and see how long they want to stay there with you....... [Wink]
Man that is funny! [Image: happy.gif]
Sounds like you have figured out how to get free beer and love on the ice. Damn I wish I would have thought of that! [cool]
To close for me! I like my space and like to give others their space. Especially on a large body of water.
Haha seriously that sounds like you've met me before! I couuldnt believe you let me kiss you on the lips on the first fishing takeover! At least wait till I follow you to the next spot.
I got news for you guys... You think that the beer and kiss thing is a good idea? Okay start doing, I am more than willing to take a kiss on the cheek for free beer, maybe I'll start drilling close to people if that is the result... LOL [Image: happy.gif]

Okay, on a seriouse note, not that is too close, at least they hould have asked first like you said.
I don't like people closing in on me whether i'm catching or not as long as i've distanced myself from them. But i've got another question, does anyone out there mind a person bringing their dog, or do you get mad if it happens to stop by and say hello. I like to take my dog, but sometimes feel like an ass when he goes to see what's up in other groups.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]I usually stop my OHV 30 or more yards away from folks and then walk in to talk to them about their success or lack thereof. Then if I want to fish in that area I will ALWAYS ask them if they would mind if I do so. If they DO mind, I’ll head someplace else.[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4] [/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]As far as dogs go, I’m a Lab owner myself and occasionally take mine along. But I think, just as when camping in the summer, you should have your pet 100% under control at all times. You’ll notice I did not say leashed. Well trained hunting dogs such as Labs can be controlled with voice and whistle commands.[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4] [/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]When dogs are NOT controlled, they become a pain in the rear to just about any body around them. This is not a good thing. But the owners of such pets are usually clueless about the irritation their pets are causing others.[/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
hate to say it but there are some guy's here on BFT that are just as discourtes as any in the state!! they seem to think it's ko to fallow peploe around the lake and taking there ice fishing hole when they go to try a difrent one! it's ok to fallow them even when told to get the f--- away!!!

them typ of pepole have no clue on how to fish!! they try and fallow others around hopping they will show them how!! insted of going and lurning how to do it on there own!! they are takers the same guy's are the ones that want to be in the fishing contest but dont want to give any reports or let others know how fishing is some where else!!
I think that these type of people are so ignorant that they don't even have a clue ! I am originally not from Utah and when I moved here I felt the exact same way. One time I set up a camp for a week elk hunt. I left my camp and when returned had 8 or more campers set up all around my area. I felt like I was at camper world. I couldn't believe people were that rude.

Well now I have lived here for some time and have become immune to it. It is very normal for this kind of stuff to happen, I can't figure out why people are like that. (Must be the way they were raised).

The best way to cope is not to let it bother you. Why let it ruin your day, because they are stupid and ignorant.
When I fished the Burbot bash I fished within 20 feet of some set ups. I did go over to them after I hjad set up and asked if I was too close. THey told me only if I started catcjhing fish.
2 weeks ago friday when I was at East Canyon with my Dalmador we set up about 50 Yards from others. In the late afternoon another two guys came down and set up about 20 yards from me. I thought they were too dang close and it Pissed me off. Especially when they put three fish on the ice and I did not get any all day.
When I was at Yuba Saturday 2 weeks ago with my family and my Dalmador a couple of guys walked all the way over from the north west Dam area where no one was fishing and they stopped 20- 30 yards from us and set up. I got reeeeeeeally pissed and started saying crap about how there is a whole dang lake and they have to set up right on top of us. We set up ion an area south of the Ramp where no one was around for 100 or more yards. One guy came over on his 4X4 and asked how we where doing. He stopped his 4x4 about 10 yards from where we were. Still too close because we walked and do not own a 4x4.

If you want to see how we are doing fine park your 4x4 and walk over to us AND MAKE SURE YOU WALK A GOOD 30 YARDS TOO....

There is a whole lake. I don't give a crap if I'm in your favorite hole. Stay the [ ] away from us until we leave. Go find another spot. I will make you wish you had parked your a$$ on some one elses holes.
i usually don't mind a dog out on the ice but one time my brother in law brought his young lab pup and after letting it run around we heard some one yell and it turns out it went and stole a donut off some guys table he had sitting right next to him!! then about 15 min later the same guy yelled even louder and we turn and here comes the pup running with the guys pole in its mouth!!!! bait bouncing back behind him. So we joined in the chase and then he thought it was a game and it took us 10 min to catch that little bugger. My bro in law appologized to the guy and he was pretty good about it. I think I would have been really irate if that happened to me.

As for the close people I am like Im4Trout and will let them know how I feel. (unless they ask first) Told one guy off and then he had the cahones to ask me what i was using... so I told him i was using cow turds rolled into little balls!! he just looked at me and walked off. idiot!

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