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Hello everybody, my name is Greg (aka Lucky Dog).
I have been an avid tube fisherman here in southern Idaho for 20+ years. I also own a canoe, a toon, and a boat, but by far the most used item is my tube. I have worn out many of them throughout the years, (although my tube career is no where near as long and illustrious as TubeDude). I fish mainly small remote ponds, rivers, lakes and streams. My tube allows me quick and easy access to these "big fish" waters. Last Autumn my most recent Bucks Bag blew a seam. I was pleased to find all the helpful info here on this forum, which greatly assisted me in picking out my new "Baby". I got in on the sale for a new ODC 420, which will be arriving soon. In the meantime I plan on bank fishing below C.J.Strike, in the Carey Lake hotsprings inlet, and possibly Bruneau dunes ponds. I have done quite well @ all three locations this time of year in the past, especially during the first few warm days of the year. Unfortunately those days appear to be arriving late this year here, and I am growing very restless. Anyway I just thought I'd introduce myself and look forward to participating in this very good forum!
I'm a lucky dog..Greg
WELCOME GREG....I love that Avatar! Why can't I think of cool things like maybe a GODDESS and morphing my face....NAW The horns keep coming out!

Where in So.Idaho? I go up to the Chubbuck area at least once a month. My Hubby and Brother fish up there all the time, maybe we can meet up.

Tell us more about yourself and what you think of the ODC when you get it...or at least when the Smile on your face relaxes.[laugh]
Hey there Goddess. I personally love your bent rod. That pretty much sums it up for us fishing fanatics. I was afraid my dog might be a little too creepy, but I'm kinda partial to the little freak. Any way I've never fished Chubbuck, it must be good if you keep returning. Trout, cats, panfish, bass?
I am all about trying new places. Come about early April my wife, Brother, and Sis-in-law are heading up to Dworshak in pursuit of some of the huge Smallies that now reside there. We had a riot up there a couple years ago, about the time the guy reset the the state record W/ that nine+ pounder. That is creeping up on world record size! Who'd a thunk it in Idaho? It was surprising to me that there was hardly any fishing pressure at that time. Steelhead, Salmon, Sturgeon, Trout and Kokanee rule that area, not that there's a thing wrong W/ any of those species, but world record size, unhassled bass? That's a whole nother ball game to me. I'm sure it's changed as word got out, though.
We would definitely spend some time W/you folks. You show us yours and we'll show you ours. Sounds like a great way to learn new places and tactics, and make new friends. See ya around.
What type of Dog is that in you avatar? Almost looks like a wiener.
He's a German Brown Pointer Retriever :>)
is that a new breed ?? [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
Yeah, a new cybernetically engineered breed. He's got a few glitches though. For instance, my wife doesn't like how he stares at her while she's in the shower.
That picture gives me the heeebie geeeebies, but I can't quit looking at it!
^ ^

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