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Flaming Gorge 2-15 (Lucerne Ramp?)
Three of us fished off Anvil on 2-14 late in the afternoon for a couple of hours. Caught one ling and a couple of pups, ate them later that evening. Earlier the same day we went and checked out swim beach and the Lucerne ramp. All was open. Got all excited and hooked on the boat in anticipation of lauching 2-15. Got down there then only to find the ramp and 30 feet out had 2 or so inches of ice.

Has anyone visited the Lucerne ramp since that time? Has there been any thaw? Is anyone launching boats there or down by the dam?
Just got back, fished thurs and friday morning - Swim, Antelope and a little in Lynnwood no ice, no problems. Slowish fishing though. 4 total in two mornings, biggest 22 lbs on the digital scale.

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