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Was planning on fishing Friday, but kastmaster sent me a PM asking if I wanted to fish for only the PM on Thursday. I agreed to give it a go and we headed for Huntington. I didn't have expectations of a great trip, because I have almost always done best down there and most other places by arriving at first light and have found that the fishing gets slower as the day progresses. We arrived to find that we had the whole reservoir to ourselves. The walk out was a little challenging (especially for George -- my size 12 shoes helped keep me on top of the deep snow a little better). I dropped my first line at 2:40 PM. Marked lots of fish but no takers. We could get them to follow our jigs but could not get them to bite. Tried tipping with minnow, crawler, waxies and mealworms. George finally got a few bites on crawlers and landed two tiger trout. In almost two hours of fishing I never got a bite.
Packed up and headed to Electric Lake. I would have preferred walking across the top of the dam and then down to the ice, but all of the snow has melted off of the top of the dam and I wasn't excited about dragging my sled across mud, gravel and some dried grass for that distance, so we headed down the corner of the dam. That was a major challenge with the deep snow, large rocks and steep dam. Coming back up it was even more difficult. I carried the power auger up and then George tied a rope onto my sled and we pulled it up. We saw few fish on the finders and only got a few bites for our efforts. We each landed one cutt. The water looked milky, apparently from clouded runoff, which I don't believe helped.
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Electric Lake was slow...that's not good. I have my car all loaded and I was going to leave work at noon for an afternoon on the ice. Hmmmm...yup still going. Even a bad day beats work! How deep did you fish Electric?
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Sounds like kind of a rough day. At least you guys got your aerobic exercise for the week.
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We fished it from 8' to 45' deep.
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PS -- I installed my 9 1/2" auger extender on my power auger before heading out and I needed it at Huntington.
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I won't be stopping at Huntington. My manual auger is not long enough and I had all I can take of those lock jaw tigers last week.
I hear you on crawling in and out of ELake on the west side! Workout for sure! I'll let you know how it goes!
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You sir, are more man than I am using a manual auger at E lake. Remember how fast it drops off there so you dont end up in 70 feet of water. [cool]
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hey walk acrost the dam and go down.. fish from 20 to 30 feet deep.. worm or better yet shiner minnows work best.. most the fish i seen were up high arond 10 to 15 feet deep..
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Thanks for a great outing! Too bad the catching was a little on the lean side. Next time, I'll bring a longer rope so we can pull the sled from the top of the dam. Those tigers sure were pretty.
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Those rocks on the dam are hard enough going up and down without the snow and a sled. Too bad the fishing wasn't as good as the effort to get to them was.
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Well, I got on the ice at about 3:30 yesterday(fri3/20) and fished till about 7:00. Consistentently had fish swimming through. Some wanted to play and some didn't. Ended up with thirteen for the day. 11 cutts, and 2 tigers. Attached a pic of a nice 17 inch cutt. that had another yellow spot on its belly, and another pic of it with three friends that I invited home for dinner last night. There was another guy there. He only caught two small ones. Nice afternoon fishing. Sure beat work anyway. The boulder field is getting harder and harder to get through. Nothing like going through to your hip in those boulders! May head up again this morning my wife says she would like to go again.
Ps Thanks for the holes all I had to do was kick them open.
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Glad someone caught some fish out of our holes. Was the water still milky? Also, any trash you found was not left by us. I picked up quite a bit of it while I was there, that was already on the ice when we arrived, but there was still some left that I could see in the distance but I didn't walk over to gather it up.
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The water wasn't milky at all. I did clean up some trash. Everything I could find at least. Last Sunday there was 10-12 inches of snow. Most all of it melted this week and exposed a seasons worth of trash. Amazing how much was hidden in the snow.