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best fish finder
i have a vexilar fl-8 works fine. i have been told that there is a new finder on the market that is a lot better don't know the brand name or any thing about it. anybody out there with the info.....
I know that vexilar has several models that are upgrades from that. Just go to The've got FL-12, FL-18, Fl-20's. I'm not sure if there are more than that, but reading the specs on the newer ones I would think that they would be much better than the fl-8. However I've been impressed with the entry level ones when I've played with them.
my dad has the fl18 it picks up better in shallow watter about the same in deep watter..its also shows up better on brite days and the collors are are alittle more defined.its better but not 450 $ better. i heard humingbird came out with there brand new versin thats supposed to be very good..
You might be thinking about the Showdown Digital Ice unit. IMO much better than the old circular Flasher style. Digital means no moving parts so longevity is much better.
do you happen to know the price
Normally they run around $270.00 but the off season is the time to buy I found them as low as $199.97
thanks guy..i just put one on order..ill give my vexilar to my son ...this works out good
Here's a site that sells a few different fish finders. I thought it might help.
I have a Marcum and I like it. Seems like most of the flasher type fish finders I have seen or used were pretty similar.
sibiarian husky, where she paws dig your hole...
front or back paws
that all depends on weather you are a goin fishing or a snagging. [:p]
no just spearing[Wink]

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