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Cattin' on Willard
[cool][#0000ff]Fellow BFT tuber LloydE came out of hibernation this week. As he rubbed his sleepy eyes he invited himself to join me at Willard this morning.

We launched about 6:30 AM. Clear, calm, 50 degree air temp and a "toenail clipping" moon above the pink sky of sunrise. Dirty water coming into the inlet. 49 degrees inside the channel, warming quickly to 54 outside...eventually to 58 about noon when we came in. Water much cleaner away from the inlet channel.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]We both started by dragging a minnow on one rod and pitching plastics on the second rod. Lloyd started to holler WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. about 7 AM. Never knew one person could say wow in so many different languages and at so many octaves. A 4 pound wiper was whackin' him around pretty good...but he eventually scooped it in his wimpy little net.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There seems to be such a thing as the "first fish jinx". Been there myself. The guy who scores first sometimes blanks the rest of the day. Almost worked out that way for Lloyd. We covered a whole lotta water during the next five hours without him putting another fish in his basket. Thankfully, he scored a couple of quick "cookie cutter" kitties just before we came in so he had some dinner fixins. Actually, that porky wiper would be a complete meal for Lloyd and his wife.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I got couple of whacks on plastics, but did not hook anything for about an hour. Finally, I startet catching catfish. Lost what I am sure was a wiper after one big wide sweep and the hook pulled out. But, I did get about a dozen kitties. Kept a half dozen for dining. Got one on a "wiper bling crankbait I made for wipers. Silly catfish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Saw a couple of other BFTers going out in their boats. Guessing that late afternoon should do well with the warming temps. Good luck guys. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Lloyd and I had flat surface and no wind all morning, until the customary westerlies started blowing about 10:30. Then, they calmed and it began to blow a bit briskly from the east...just enough to make it too much work to kick back up the channel.[/#0000ff]
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=47268"][#212126]SUNRISE.jpg[/#212126][/url] (377 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=47269"][#212126]BLACK IBIS.jpg[/#212126][/url] (90.6 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=47270"][#212126]EVERLOVIN COOKIE.jpg[/#212126][/url] (152 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=47271"][#212126]KITTY GRIP.jpg[/#212126][/url] (217 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=47272"][#212126]WHISKERY WIPER.jpg[/#212126][/url] (179 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=47273"][#212126]FISHNCOACH.jpg[/#212126][/url] (152 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=47274"][#212126]LLOYD'S TAKEHOME PLAY.jpg[/#212126][/url] (328 KB)
I am beginning to think you could catch catfish in the water puddle in front of the wallmart. I wish I had half the fishing "get er done" you have.
One friend of mine is such a bad fisherman he jinxes all the rest of us when he goes. I think I will send him down to you and give us a break[Wink].
Looks like you guys had a great day! Keep up the pictures. Ron
[cool][#0000ff]Just so's ya know, I am an old Idaho boy too. Born in IF, but moved to California whenI was about 11 or 12. That's where I became a float fishing from an inner tube in the surf.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have had the good fortune to be able to travel and fish all over the country, and kitty fishes have always been very hospitable to me. Love 'em.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I also still get back up to Idaho to visit family (briefly) between fishing trips. Magic and Salmon Falls Creek in your neck of the woods happen to be a couple of favorite tube dunkin' venues.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you really want some more basic info on cattin', I am attaching a writeup I put together for the Utah Lake crowd down here. Might be some worthwhile tidbits in there for ya. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Ixnay on sending down your jinx. I got enough of them around here.[/#0000ff]
We have some places to catch catfish but I have never been able to crack the code. I was going to ask politely if you had any tips. You must have been reading my mind.
I fish Salmon dam a lot, I am not real good on walleyes "yet" but I want to be.
Again thanks for the tips, I will try them up here. Ron
I am thinking TD style of cat fishing might work up at Dog Creek by Gooding. There are channel cats in there. I like to fish it and am tryingg to get better at the walleye at Salmon.
Michael, that is the spot I was thinking about. I don't think many people have taken fish from there, at least I have not heard of that many. Most are accidental catches when fishing for something else. The F&G has planted a lot of catfish there. I fished it a couple of times at night and the local kids showed up and it didn't take long and I left. I had my wife and kids so I was not in the mood for that nonsense.
What part of dog creek do you think would be the best to try?
I have caught them along that north shore line before it ggoes around to the back, thas the only place so far.
Thanks, Maybe I will see you there or at Salmon dam. Ron
Yes let me know where and when your going and we can meet up.

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