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I found snow !
yep the white stuff. 70 degrees yesterday 70 today
rain all day last tuesday and I find snow today in the bottom of a gully next to a set of rail road tracks. "about a dump truck load" and I found another pile of snow in the middle of the parking lot at gander mountain of novi michigan...[shocked]

yep a remonice of a lot of snow and little ice from last winter...[:p]
now we just got to figure out how to keep the ice on the lakes that long[sly]
I was in stanley idaho last week still around 36 inches there. I am sure the lakes are safe up that way. The problem is finding a way into them. They dont plow most the roads up there.
Well I was out looking for shrooms again today, found two more big piles of snow. they was as big around as a VW Beatle.

Did see lots of trout...[cool]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]You are one sick Dude Dave! [Wink][/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4] [/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Listen, if you REALLY want to see some snow, take a drive up to Copper Harbor. We actually went snowmobiling there on Memorial Day weekend in 1972. Right now they have about 30 inches (give or take a few inches) still on the ground. [sly][/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4] [/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Or listen, come on out to Utah. Some of the folks out here are STILL ice fishing in the mountains. [cool][/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
they catching trout or gills?
[quote lurtch]they catching trout or gills?[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Trout![/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
i alredy kind of figured that answer out..i was just hoping for to catch them through the ice..
mid 60's today, no shroom huntin, but I did get in a couple hours of digging in the garden... and yes I found ice in the ground of my garden....

no gills under that ice tho'
I knew a bobby hicks once.

you any relations to him? He used to play the dobro in a blue grass band.

I never knew of that bobby doing any ice fishing, but he might have.... he was more of a southern boy, he spent a lot of time around nashville
there will plenty of shrooms by this weekend and the gills are in the shallows still plenty of steelhead in the river and my buddy limited out tonight in an is good
I wont be chasin shrooms or gills this weekend, I will be chasin trouts...

I only chase afer them for a couple weeks
when I get my fill I go back to gills....[:p]
way to many choices not enough time ill going to try to fit them all in should be fun trying..
aint that the truth.

this saturday alone, Trout, Walleye, Pike and Musky opens, not to mention Bass catch and release season opens...
that brook trout and moral dinner is on the top of my list..
whoah, you guys really got my attention talking about morels! I love those things! I get alot in Idaho while I am salmon fishing, but I have a hard time finding them in Utah where I live. Any pointers you guys can give me?
i realydont know the terrain in utah...i find them in old popple stands..and around dead or dying elm and ash trees..recently dead or dying trees on hilsides and ridges seem to be the key for me..oh yea if you have any old apple orchards there good too..good luck
thats more than I could give him.

I only knew about the ash trees, and my neighbor said poplars too.

Mushrooms tend to grow where the ground sours...

I have by far better luck looking for puff balls. Ok, yes I have to admit, its kind of hard to miss a mushroom the size of a bushel basket...[:p] those all I can tell you is look where you found them last year or near bouts, cary a pair of binoculars and start looking after the first cold rain in agust....
actualy its the sweet trees that work..pine and oakdont seem to work..and once the trees fallen its to dead..look on the north and south sides of the hill or ridge..ive tried puffballs they have no flavor..stumpers are really good though,,they come up in the fall..
we got a breif burst today, so I went out looking about an hour after... new spots hill sides, a little higher elivation.... still no luck.

we just got another rain, a bit of a soaker, and we are susposed to have rain the next 4 days... so if I dont find one by then, I will give up again for the year..

I have heard standing dead ash, but gramps he took me out years ago and he picked them under oak trees. he said they come up there every year... I cant hunt there now because there is a house on the property...

I found a big one once, it stood a good 11-12 inches tall. and it was under a cedar tree in a friends front yard. Black muck dirt in the month of june..[crazy] I did not bother picking it.

I found another that got 8 inches tall growing out of a crack in the side walk at another friends house next to his front steps.. I kinda understood that one, he pickes them by the gorcery bag every year..[:p] and no he wont take me to where he finds them...[:p] H has pretty much told me the same thing you have....

I am realy beginning to suspect that if they dont have gills, I am not likely to find them....[sly]

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