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MrWiskers, Riverpark, Spots, 4-26-2009, Mom and Dad
<br /> Well after much pestering I finally got my Mon and Dad to go fishing with me. Today was the first time in 14 some odd years that we have fished together. After killing them Friday I knew I could put them on some today. <br /> <br /> We started off at 8 ish and my dad loves topwater so I gave him his favorite bait, a torpedo, and he starts having fish kill the thing right off the bat. The only problem was he could not hook any of them. He did boat 7-8 on the torpedo, but I bet his missed 20-30. Unreal. My mom and I were throwing tubes and catching one here and there. Around 9:30 the wind got wild and we started throwing spinnerbaits and the fish were killing them. But again the problem was getting them to stay on. Probably lost one for every one we boated and had a bunch of fish hit the blades. <br /> <br /> We ended the day at 11 with 37 bass (36 spots, one keeper LM) boated, one bluegill and I bet we hooked and lost another 30. Add to that the fact my Dad missed 20+ on towater and we had a very exciting morning on the water. It was great to get out with my parents and they seemed to really have a good time. Water temps were 63-64 and all of the fish we caught had spawned.<br /> <br /> And before Bprice gets started, good looking hats run in the family.emoCool

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