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Big Bass From Down South
I decided to head down to St. George to try for some big bucketmouths because it has been years since I have fished that area. With finals over I thought that this would be the perfect time.

I was half hoping and half expecting to catch 5 - 6 fish, but only managed to hook up on 1; I still have a lot to learn about fishing those lakes. But the 1 that I did catch made the whole trip worth it!

The fish measured 22.5 inches long and about 18 inches around. I was guessing the weight to be between 7 and 8 pounds. An online bass calculator put the weight at 7.5 pounds. I'll take a 1 fish day anytime if I can get hogs like this!

The pictures are a little odd because I was flying solo on this trip and had to position the camera while trying to fit myself and the fish in the picture. Also, I look like a goof in 1 picture, but that is due to being a goof and being understandably excited.

Best part of all is that the fish swam away without any problems. Hopefully she is still around in 5 years when I make it back down!
That is one nice bass. Too bad you didn't keep it - I hear big bass taste great and are a dime a dozen here in Utah with all these warm water fisheries.

Nice boat too!
NIce largie.
Nice bass, glade to hear its still swimming..
Nice fish, was it on its red ?
Mac, I may not understand some fishing jive, but if you mean on its bed I am not sure if it was or not. I thought it was on a bed at first, but I drifted over the spot a few more times and couldn't see any beds where I hooked the fish.

The tip of Its tail was red though making me think that it was doing something with a bed.
Thanks, I was just wondering of it was on the bed, spawning.
That is a real nice LMB. Congrats on a nice catch. Maybe I'll get to go down south and try my luck.
Nice Fricking BASS!
Gotta love a bucket mouth. I'm kinda jealous because I haven't caught LM's that big since I left Oklahoma. Funny thing is that the really big boys i've had on inhaled the crappie I was reeling in. My biggest on purpose was 7 lbs.10 oz.; but I probably tangled with a new state record reeling in a 9" crappie. He looked to be around 28" long and he inhaled my crappy lke an appetizer. I gave him line so that he could swallow the crappie because I thought there was no way that a 1/16 oz. jig head that was already stuck in the crappie would grab him. He took the crappie down and when I tugged he was stuck so he swam straight down and the line cut over the rocks. The thing had to weigh around 20lbs. and I got a really good look at him before he broke the line like it was a minor irritation. Win some and lose some... you definitely won today.

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