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Wooohooooooo!!!!! A Successful Day!
We're kinda in a mid-pressure area right now, it was cloudy, so I decided I'd try fishing again. Can't catch a fish if you don't throw a lure out, right? So I'm tossing the jitterbug around, and then I noticed a catfish swimming right beside the pier. That's also when I noticed how incredibly low the water level is. I also noticed all the catfish activity in the pond. In fact, one catfish waddled its way completely out of the water in the mud, and writhed its way back into the water, kicking up one heck of a mud cloud. At that point I decided to go for catfish. I didn't have any cat bait, but I've caught catfish on bass lures, so I was certain I was going to get one. I figured I could just toss a fluke in front of them and pull it back, and trigger an aggravation strike. So I put my 5" green pumpkin fluke on a spiral lock jighead, (shaky head), and took aim at a nearby catfish. I drug it across and it didn't take it. I saw an albino catfish in the middle of the pond, and cast over it, started to pull it back. I got a hit, and set the hook. I figured it was the catfish, until about 2 seconds after I set the hook, when a largemouth bass jumped out of the water. I reeled it in, and man I was one happy dude. I got a pic of it on my girlfriend's camera, and I'll post it tomorrow on this thread. It was about a pound, average for this pond. I laughed the whole time, astounded by my luck. I tossed it back in, and started hunting catfish again. I saw none now. So I just started casting out blindly towards the middle. A few minutes later I was reeling in, kicking up mud and silt along the bottom, and felt something I took to be a rock on the bottom. I stopped reeling to twitch it a couple of times, and noticed it moving, so I set the hook. I pulled it in, and there was a tiny little baby bass on there. Length of 9½", and weight that didn't even register on my scale, I knew this would be a good one to enter for smallest bass in the bass contest. After a few more minutes from the dry barren shore, I went back to the pier, and cast into the east corner of the pond, which is extremely rocky. I landed the fluke about 8 inches from the shore, and twitched it a few times, then drug it towards me, and it got smashed. I set the hook, and this little bugger was a fighter. He jumped several times out of the water, but my hook set was too good for him to escape. I pulled him out, and like the first one, he was about a pound. I bet the bass would get bigger if the water level would get back up to a healthy level. It is ridiculously low. It was such a good day. I'm just gonna start trying to get catfish on flukes, because either way I'll catch a fish, and I'm gonna be happy.

Nice job Simp! See, you really never know what they will hit and when. Did any of the pointers i gave you pan out yet?
Well, to be honest I've been kinda stingy with my money, wanting to save as much as possible, and I really haven't fished that much. Hell I wasn't even expecting to catch a bass. I was trying to land the fluke in the swim path of catfish and trigger a reaction strike. I think I'm gonna wait until the water level is up more to try the stuff you've suggested. By then I'll also have gotten some lures like you suggested. Supposed to be rainy the next few days, cold front moving in, so I don't know that I'll get a whole lot done.
I caught a bass today fishing for shell cracker bream with a cricket. It was about a 2lb'r.
I tossed the shaky head around in the rain. Got about a half pounder. then I went in to get dry. lol
what part of the country you live in? it was raining here today too, we got about a 1 hour window when the rain stopped and jumped on the four wheeler and hit a local pond for some shell crackers. We always seem to catch the big ones right before a good rain or during rain.

Pic below.[inline "SANY0607 - 400.jpg"]

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