05-23-2009, 11:18 PM
Yesterday I went scoping out a section of a small stream not far from where I now live. I did this because I had read on the internet that it had rainbows which the DFG stocked in the spring and summer. I found the place but not any fish. The water seemed too warm to be reasonable trout water. After that I ran across a DFG webpage that listed all the places they do stock and it was not listed. So now I know that it is not.
I also learned some thing else that I did not know. This near coastal country is loaded with Poison Oak along with plants that look like poison oak. I am not talking a little here and a little therebut growing without bound next to the water way. It was the predominant undergrowth.
I also learned some thing else that I did not know. This near coastal country is loaded with Poison Oak along with plants that look like poison oak. I am not talking a little here and a little therebut growing without bound next to the water way. It was the predominant undergrowth.