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I'm thinking of buying a outcast SFC and I have a question about tipping over while in the float tube.
If I lean forward, like trying to lip grap a largemouth bass, will the tube flip forward? How far can you move forward or move around within the float with out feeling like it will flip over? I don't really want to use a net.
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I have never used a SFC, but in all the tubes I've ever owned it has been easiest to lip fish from the side as opposed to the front. It comes very natural when it happens, never even gave it any thought until I saw your post.
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HOW BIG ARE YOU? I Never had a feeling of flippin over face first or any thing else in my SFC. I did in my donut and the Day Tripper, but never in the "V"
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[cool][#0000ff]No worries. I have fished from a SFC since about 2002. On my second one. I have lipped and grabbed thousands of fish while leaning forward in my ride with never a faint inkling that I was about to tip forward. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am well over 6 feet tall and weigh over 250 pounds. I have always felt "well floated" in the SFC. It has a slightly longer front section...between pocket and end of air chamber...than the fish cats. That extra few inches of floatation provides a lot of stability when you are leaning forward.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The question of "flipping over" is not uncommon among newbie tubers or those who are looking at the sport for the first time. As most of us find, however, the reality is that it is very difficult to unseat yourself or flip the tube. When challenged to provide a scenario that might result in a flipped tube I simply reply "Okay, if you are determined to flip your tube, stand up in it." Otherwise, the physics and the center of gravity thing are overwhelmingly in favor of the fisherman. You REALLY have to be determined to flip that thing before it is gonna happen.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Get the tube and go afloat. Don't take any fishing gear on the first voyage. Get used to your fins and practice making turns and moving in a straight line at speed. Oh yeah, lean over as far forward as you can and see what (doesn't) happen. I am sure you can roll forward out of the tube if you try hard enough, but it is highly unlikely that you will ever get wet while lipping a fish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck and have fun.[/#0000ff]
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[quote flygoddess]HOW BIG ARE YOU? I Never had a feeling of flippin over face first or any thing else in my SFC. I did in my donut and the Day Tripper, but never in the "V"[/quote]
Not to big. 5'9" 175lbs. With the open front, I wasn't sure if I reach out to grap the bass by the lip, that my tube would flip over. Now that I have just read TD's reply, I feel much better about buying a float tube.
Thanks ]
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Having tubed with TD in the past, and being on Yuba and Utah Lake in some pretty heavy water, the only way that I have ever seen a tube flip is when launching. It was an old doughnut, and as I backed in, I stumbled and went over backwards. I have tried to dump my toon also, no can do. As suggested, get out and spend some time in it and see what you can and cannot do. You will be pleasantly surprised !!!
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You will have no worry. I am 5'11" and about 225 and have had no problems tipping. Enjoy your new ride.[cool]
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This last weekend was my first time float tubing, and I felt the same as you about tipping over. Once I got in the tube it was a little scary for me, but that only lasted a couple minutes then it was a blast. I'm hooked.[:p]
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I got my wife hooked several years back, I want a new toon and trying to convince the wife she can use the old one. I think I need to deck it out a little more and go from there.
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[quote albinotrout]I got my wife hooked several years back, I want a new toon and trying to convince the wife she can use the old one. I think I need to deck it out a little more and go from there.[/quote]
I meant to ask, what toon do you have?
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Round donut tubes would appear to be the most tip proof because of uniform buoyancy all around and hanging legs serving like a sailboat keel. The higher up above the water you go without increases in length AND width the more likely the tip over, seems to me.
What about tipping due to rough water? Like when caught by surprise in bad weather? Guess that's one of the several reasons I wear an inflatable life jacket. The few times this has happened to me I have been blown to a distant shore. Making my way back was a lot easier with the on board wheels.
Rapids and surf might potentially cause tip over but are normally easier to avoid. My closest tip over call has been in a small pontoon riding through a rapids I underestimated.
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[quote flygoddess][quote albinotrout]I got my wife hooked several years back, I want a new toon and trying to convince the wife she can use the old one. I think I need to deck it out a little more and go from there.[/quote]
I meant to ask, what toon do you have?[/quote]
An old Leigh. that I purchased new in 94 or 95
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This was a post from earlier this spring by memeber "forgiven" who I know personally, I bring this back up because it can happen and we need to be aware of that.
[url ";#"][#212126]Report Post[/#212126][/url] | [url ";quote=1;parent_post_id=474794"][#212126]Quote[/#212126][/url] | [url ";parent_post_id=474794"][#212126]Reply[/#212126][/url]
Flipped a Fish Cat 4 last weekend
I was fishing Clear Lake near Buhl Idaho last weekend. I borrowed a Fish Cat 4 from my brother. I usually fish from "round" tubes but this was only my second or third time in one of these "pon-tubes" I am 51 and started out in an old canvas "Tucker Tube" when I was 10 so I have been float tubing a long time.
Anyway, I was fly fishing, a little fatigued and overextended my right arm on the forward cast. I lost balance & flipped the boat forward onto my face. I was trapped between the stripping apron & the boat. The boat wanted to force my face under the water & I could NOT get free from the apron as my weight prevented me from unfastening the front hooks & I could not reach the Velcro straps in the back.
I could not breathe & my waders were filling with water. Fortunately I was about 20 feet from the shore & my buddy was near. He heard my thrashing and towed me closer to the shore were & could stand up. If I had been close to the shore & my friend I may have drowned.
Has this ever happened to any one else out there? Needless to say I am getting a pontoon boat and sticking with round tubes from now on.
Looking at the fish cat designs (in retrospect) it looks like there is a lot of pontoon in the back and very little in the front. I also notice that the new ones have a break away stripping apron.
I wonder if this has happened before to anyone?
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Yep that really happened to me! I don't use that FC4 anymore that is for sure. To be fair I found out later that the FC4 is rated for a maximum of 250 lbs & I weighed 270 at the time so I over loaded it by 20 lbs However I stand by my statement that they should build them with a little more pontoon out front line the Dave Scadden H3 or even the bucks bags bullet HC
BTW anybody heard of a Bucks Bags XL Deluxe? Is it a fat boy rig? I don't see it on the BB website & A Google search turns up nothing. There is one of craigslist. I am looking for a high weight capacity tube that is used.
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i tend to have multiple adult beverages when im in my tube, or on my toon. the only time i was ever concerned was in eastern washington, i was on my toon, and had 18 to many.... i have never used the apron to "strap" myself into the seat and went a little to forward to cut loose a brown i cuaght and took a nose dive, good thing i had my brother there and still had enough sense to reach up and grab my toon and make it to shore...
as far as a tube, i have a creek company U shaped tube. i have personally had 123532 to many beers on multiple occasions (wow i make it seem like thats all i do when i fish, please dont think that!) and have lipped bass, scooped slimers, and even needle nosed some pike in that thing and have never had even a thought of tipping over. i myself am a lrger guy myself at 6'1 and 215lbs.
the closest i have ever come to being flipped in my tube was when a ski boat came within 25 feet of me, and then cut hard left and his wake got me.... thats the only time i freaked a little. i promptly gave the gentlman a rude hand gesture. i typically sit so far back in my tube, its almost like being in the "man chair" here at the house thats its very relaxed.
TD is right on as usual...... i did the opposite of what he said... i had my tube and went fishing the next day without getting used to everything. but once i got used to my turns and leans i was good to go!
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I have super fat cat. There is NO WAY that it will
tip over. I was in some crazy waves in it (to me)
about 18'' waves still fishing because im crazy and
it was super stable and I felt very safe.
Fish cat 4 is smaller so maybe, but super fat cat-No way.
So just get out there and have a good time.
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[quote kochanut]i tend to have multiple adult beverages when im in my tube, or on my toon. the only time i was ever concerned was in eastern washington, i was on my toon, and had 18 to many....
wow man, how many times do you have to pee ???[crazy]
Do you just pee of your toon?
Do you have a hose attached to your deal or what?
just asking lol.
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my fishcat is plenty sturdy and stable, but i still wear a PFD just in case something absurd happens [  ]
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if its warm enough i just wear shorts, so that answers that question, if its cold i come out of the water.