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Tips for Red Fleet, Please?
I was wondering if anybody had some tips for fishing Red Fleet? I have fished it before but only end up with "planter bows" when we troll. I would like to try for some of the browns they say are in there. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. We usually troll rapalas or just jig for bluegill. I don't know if the browns hang out deeper or if I need to use bigger lures. I have caught some rainbows that are barely bigger than the 4"-5" rapala that I was using.
Are you trolling with leaded line?


What depth are you at?

You are right, the planter bows are all over the place. This time of the year, they are about the only fish that will bite. My wife and I went up last weekend. I had to catch some bluegill at the dock-so I didn't get skunked. She did well, but the fish did not like my pole.

I have caught consistant 16-20" bows, with some larger, bows and browns mixed in. There are some large fish in there.

Any word about the DWR killing off the lake? I hear rumors, but this is Vernal, rumors fly all over town in a matter of minutes.
No way they will poison the res. because of its potential as a backup culinary source. I talked to one DWR authority recently about the Walleye in there and what their mgt plan was and it didn't include rotenone.
Be sure to decontaminate your boat of the mussels. That is one of the confirmed lakes. Red Fleet and Electric.
I haven't used the leaded line there yet, or downriggers. We just troll diving Rapalas, we catch the planters on shallow divers, medium divers and deep divers. I don't have room on my boat for downriggers so maybe I need to try the leaded line. I haven't heard about killing off the lake. I think that would be a bad move. The last 2 outings up there the Rangers have asked if we caught any Walleye and if we do to instantly KILL them. They said a "bucket bio" probably put them in there. I just got some bottom bouncer rigs so I need to learn how to use them and give them a try next weekend. Thanks for the help.

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