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It was a cool day today and Davo and I had to wear our coats just for the blastoff and morning run.I kept blowing on my hands throughout the day just to keep them warm.Here is our our crazy report,enjoy......<br />PRACTICE-I got out Sunday and comitted to looking at ledges.I fished from 9am to 2pm without a bite.My wife called and she had left some papers in the Tahoe that she needed so I pulled out and met up with her and ate lunch.I got back on the water about 4:30 and fished ledges on the lower end until 8pm and got one bite but all day sunday I did not catch a fish.Teusday afternoon I hooked up with my friend Jeffro and decided to go to Nickajack.We swam big worms and caught 2 short fish and flipped up a 2 pound keeper and that was it so Nickajack was out of the question.Davo went thursday night with the manager of the Toolbox and they caught a bunch of fish but they were not big so we decided to start there the morning of the tx.<br />TOURNAMENT-We go to Davos spot and there isnt anything going on but will come visit it agian.We head to a ledge with a ditch that I found Sunday that I thought just needed current but we struck out there too.We idle around and see a bunch of crap in the mouth of a slough so we fish and Davo catches our first keeper and I catch a short fish.We decide to do something totally different so we run up river and throw frogs.Davo catches our second keeper on a frog and I catch three shorts on a hornytoad.That fizzled out quick.We decide to run up river and flip.We pull up and within 5 minutes and 25 yards I flip up a limit of bass.I unload on another fish and its a 5lber! I am unhooking it and Davo says get the net and its a 4lber! By that time everything is happening so fast I flip up another keeper and I dont pay attention and cull the wrong fish and we lose a pound.Davo calls me a Weiner and I told him I would redeeme myself .I set the hook and yell get the net and Davo has the net on one of my rods and it goes in the water! We spend the next 15 minutes dragging and finally we get my rod from the bottom of the lake.We ended up culling about three more times.It was our best bag of the year 16.91 and was good enough for 13th place and our first check.We also won a free entry fee to the july CBA tx for being the highest finishing new team( IT PAYS TO FISH THE CBA AS A NEW TEAM).Big thanks to David, I enjoyed it.<br />GEAR....<br />RODS-7'6" NUCLEAR FLIPPING STICK,7 FT NUCLEAR E-GLASS CRANKIN STICK,7'6" NUCLEAR FROG/SWIMBAIT <br />LINE-12LB TRILENE 100%,20LB TRILENE 100%.65LB SHAKESPEAR UGLY BRAID<br />REELS-N/A<br />LURES-CUTTHROAT JIG (BRUISED MELON), SWEET BEAVER, DT 16 CUSTOM,SPRO FROG,HORNYTOAD,AND DT16 SHAD.

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