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Kitties at Da Knolls
[cool][#0000ff]Some of us tuber types made a semi organized assault on the fishy denizens of the Knolls, on Utah Lake this morning. TubeBabe and I met up with Swedishfish at Maverick and then caravaned to find TlSpyder13 just unloading his gear at the launch site. It was hard to see Richard in the early morning light. Not because it was still dark but because he was obscured by a dense cloud of midges. They were thick.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Air temp 70 and water temp 70 at the 6:30 AM launch. Light breeze and water slightly murky from all the recent wind. Water level on Utah Lake has dropped about a foot since our last trip. Guess spring is over and summer is here.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I let everybody else launch first in the small launch area. By the time I got on the water they were heading out all over the lake. I took my time and started dragging a minnow on one rod while casting a tandem tube jig rig on the second rod. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Got my first taker within about 10 minutes of launching...a 16" cookie cutter channel cat that was the first of about a dozen that size we caught today. It hit my infamous red/chartreuse tube jig with a piece of worm on it. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]A few minutes later I set the hook in a 21 inch kitty that had slurped a carp minnow. Then my first 2 footer...a fiesty 24 incher. I had my fourth cat before we had been on the water an hour. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Spyderman had one and lost it. He went fishless for a long time before finally scoring a kitty or two. Swedishfish made up for the skunk he experienced at the Knolls last Saturday on a short trip to another area. He was whacking the kitties with regularity. Several of the cookie cutters along with some over 20. I think his best was a 2 footer too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]TubeBabe started slow but finished strong. She ended up with a six footer (3 two-footers) and a couple of cookies. You never have to wonder when she hooks up. The folks across the lake at Lincoln Beach probably heard her hollerin.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I tossed a few cats back but kept my limit of 8 since I wanted some more for the smoker. After number 8, including MY six footer (3 - 2's), I threw plastics and crankbaits on the way back to the launch ramp. Got a lot of hits and landed a few small white bass. Missed a lot more hits and lost a few fish on the way in. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We caught cats from 4' to 9' deep today. Best depths seemed to be about 7-8 feet. White bass were all over the place in 5 - 7 feet. They kept messing with our minnows and tore up several minnows. Caught a couple on the minnows.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water temp up to 74 when we came in about 11. It was getting hot fast. [/#0000ff]
Way to go, sounds like you had a good day.
They started on my boat today so I guess I won't be fishing till next week. Want to try those minnows out.
TD, Are the bug hatches getting to the point that you are seeing windrows of pupa husks on the shore line ?? It has been a while since the hatch's have been that extensive. Are you seeing any mayfly's in the mix also ??
[cool][#0000ff]I was not looking for them and there was a fairly brisk onshore breeze as we launched. Last year there were sometimes big "islands" of the shucks and carp were vacuuming them up with loud slurps. There are always HUGE hatches of midges along that area of the lake.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Maybe it was the breeze and maybe the midges had the area blockaded, but we only saw a few mosquitoes and no mayflies that I could see. Usually a few will land on the tubes but didn't notice any this morning.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I did have a couple of light ginger mayflies (about size 16) on my back door screen yesterday, if that helps. [/#0000ff]
[quote TubeDude]He was whacking the kitties with regularity. Several of the cookie cutters along with some over 20. I think his best was a 2 footer too.[/quote]

You're right, last one was 24".

Thanks again for the invite. Definitely a good trip, and now I know where to go and where not to go at The Knolls.

Here is my favorite picture from the morning.
It's too bad I missed out on such a great Utah Lake fishing party. However, it was great to see everyone having so much fun. Great report and great pictures as usual.

I was surprised that you caught channel cats on the small red body/chartreuse tail tube jig. I knew the white bass would take them, but not the catfish. I am continually amazed by their habits.

A few of the pictures suggested some pretty hefty winds. With the heat and bugs, some wind would be welcome, but did you get some pretty strong winds today?

TubeBabe knows how to catch those cats! I see that she did her usually great job. It was also good to see other fishing friends in the group. Everyone seemed to do well. Sorry I missed out on the venture!
[cool][#0000ff]It was too bad you couldn't join us. There were LOTS of bugs, but not too much bother. They were forming big swarms...probably for mating...and weren't concerned with a few nasty old fishermen. And, of course midges do not bite.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It was very pleasant temperature wise. Not even too warm when we left before noon. And the wind kicked up a little bit a couple of times but no sustained blows. It was mostly calm and was actually glass when we left.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Yes, TubeBabe was a happy girl. Put her in a tube on waters with catfish in them and she knows what to do from there. Ryan (swedishfish) is getting to be a pretty fair cat-whacker too. The Spyderman was still on the water when we left so I don't know what his final tally was. I am sure he will chime in.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hope you can hit Jordanelle Tuesday...and maybe Willard on Thursday next week.[/#0000ff]
Jordanelle on Tuesday sounds great!
Nice job buddy dang i wish i could have been there to partake of the cookie cutting... Hopefully jordanelle on tues
I passed five fresh skunk kills on my way to the lake. Most of the day it looked like that was going to be the smell going home with me too. I couldn't buy a bite. Finally landed a 22 inch cat while kicking back to the car. Had one more just before I got back that I battled for about five minutes before it sent the hook fling back at me. Brought it to the tube three times but could never get it off the bottom.

Nice day to be on the lake and to meet someone new to me Ryan.
I don't want to sound ignorant, and I certainly don't want to pry or give away the location of your secret place, but where are "The Knolls"? I know Bird Island, Lincoln Beach, Provo Boat Harbor, Saratoga, etc. but I don't know "The Knolls."
I'm not Pat but the directions have been given out many times. They are south of Saratoga Springs. Turn left at mile marker 19 and work your way to the lake. Also be ready to hear a lot of gunfire as there is a lot of target shooting out that way.
[cool][quote SkinnyLynnie]I don't want to sound ignorant, and I certainly don't want to pry or give away the location of your secret place, but where are "The Knolls"? I know Bird Island, Lincoln Beach, Provo Boat Harbor, Saratoga, etc. but I don't know "The Knolls."[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]The Knolls are directly across the lake from Lincoln Beach, along a stretch of shoreline running to the west, toward Goshen Bay. The whole area, from Pelican Point west, can provide great fishing for all Utah Lake species. The roads from Highway 68 (Redwood Road) down to the lake are terrible and require high clearance vehicles. But, there are numerous spots to park right at the water for overnight fishing and even launching small boats.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here are a couple of maps. The Knolls is #5 on the Utah Lake map.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]This is not "hot spotting". There are already a lot of people who know and use the area. And, it can handle more fishing pressure. Plenty of fish. But, it can't handle a lot more trash. Unfortunately, too many folks who go down there leave large amounts of trash. If you go, be a part of the solution and not the problem. Bring plastic bags and clean up the area you fish. It won't cure the problem but it will help keep the area tolerable for the rest of us.[/#0000ff]
Pat, Thank You,

We went to the Knolls and had trouble finding them in the morning. Got there at 8:00 I know I'm slow to get up....Anyway the bugs were not too bad but the sun was a killer. We were in the Fish Hunter 360. We were able to boat 4 Cats and I8Trout had a carp on up to the boat then it broke off. I was going to put it on Ice, take it home and put it in the Boy's Tub without them knowing. Well maybe next time. Had a good time untill the raft started getting flimsy. I think due to the hot weather and the 15 years of the raft it is time to bury her. I'll know for sure tomorrow.

Here is some photos of todays fishing....I outfished I8Trout Today by landing 3
[inline "DSCN0069 (Large).JPG"][inline "DSCN0073 (Large).JPG"][inline "DSCN0085 (Large).JPG"][inline "DSCN0087 (Large).JPG"][inline "DSCN0088 (Large).JPG"][inline "DSCN0091 (Large).JPG"]Hey
[cool][#0000ff]Nice work. Glad you got some fish. It usually takes a few trips to really get to know that area and how to fish it best. I can tell from the pictures that you were in the right "zone", but if you had worked down to the area straight out from the rock point you may have found more fish. There is one big spot out there that always produces for us.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Getting there at 8 is not always bad. Sometimes the cats do not really get busy until closer to 9. But, other times they hit like crazy right at daybreak and then take a siesta for the rest of the day. Ya never know. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'll bet it was killer HOT out there. That is one of the reasons we usually go early. If it gets too hot we boogie. When we lived in Arizona we were on the water before first light and often on the way home before 10...when it was already over 100 degrees.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You gotta be careful about gloating too much when you outfish the Mrs. You might find that dinner will be "hot Tongue and cold shoulder".[/#0000ff]
Thanks! That's just the information I needed. I've never fished that area of Utah Lake, but I'm going to give it a try soon. I'll take along a trash bag and help clean up also.

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