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Willard Whiskerfish Fest 7-23-09
[cool][#0000ff]Met up with Wildcat94 and his brother Wes at the South Marina of Willard Bay this morning. Me in my float tube and they in their toons. We had wipers in mind but ended up settling for a lot of playtime with those everlovin' cookie cutter kitties.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Air temp 72 and water temp 76 at launch, about 6:30 AM. Absolutely clear and calm. Surprisingly, no bugs of any species. Somebody was lookin' out for us kids today.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Surprised none of us got even a touch on either bait or lures on the way out the channel. Lots of fishy marks on sonar, but none of them had their little mouths open. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I didn't get my first hit until almost 7:30. Got a fairly skinny cookie cutter kittie on a minnow. A few minutes later I got a munch on the tandem jig rig I was throwing on my second rod. Didn't fight like a catfish...because it was a perch. A dandy 12 incher. Lovely.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As I worked to the north, a ways out from the dike, I kept moving from deeper to shallower. Caught a couple of strays intermittently. Catfish...not wipers. Didn't see any signs of surface activity and not much evidence of bait schools. The fish were evidently in another part of the lake.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I finally reached the fringes of my "Kitty Condo" area and it was GAME ON. They were there in force and they wanted action. As I put my third in a row in the basket I hollered for the Wildcat boys to get over and join in the fun. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just as they were cruising in on their motorized toons, I experienced something I have never done before...a TRIPLE. Let me explain. I had two bait rods dragging minnows out behind me. The first one went zing and as I set the hook, the second one had a pickup and runner. I put the first rod in a holder, to let the fish fight itself, and set the hook on the second fish. I had made only a few turns on the reel for the second cat when a rod I had laying under my left arm, with a jig about two feet out of the rod tip, suddenly came to life and almost got pulled overboard behind me. I put the second rod in a holder and brought in the fish on the jig rod. Then I brought in the other two. Got all three safely aboard. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The jig fish may be considered illegal, since I do not have a 3 pole permit. But, I was really not fishing with it. I merely had it in the water to keep the worm from drying out in the heat...only a foot or so under the water. I couldn't help it if a stupid catfish came up off the bottom in 13 feet of water to smack it. Just to be proper about it, I release two out of the three anyway. I did not think I would have much trouble keeping a limit if I chose to.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As the Wildcat boys watched, I proceeded to catch two or three more doubles right in front of them. On one occasion I had a minnow soaking about 5 feet under a bobber on one rod. I was throwing jigs on the second rod. No third rod in the water this time. The bobber went down and I set the hook. I had put the jig rod in a holder, with a few feet of line still trailing out that I hadn't taken the time to reel in when the bobber went down. Yep, you guessed it. Another masochistic kitty whacked one of the "dead sticked" jigs and impaled itself on the sharp Matzuo hook. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I directed the Wildcat boys as to which landmarks to watch for along the dike and at what depth to keep fishing. I left them to work the kitty condo while I went prospecting for wipers. I did ultimately have a couple of wipers on...briefly...on plastics. But none on minnows or hardbaits.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On the slow leisurely kick back down the dike, I went through 2 bags of minnows and most of a box of crawlers. The rod with a minnow on it seldom settled into the rod holder before the line popped out of the clip and i had to set the hook in another cookie cutter. During brief lulls in the minnow munching action, I got to make casts with my tandem tube jigs...tipped with crawler. I got bites on almost every cast with the jigs. Unfortunately, as I discovered by hooking a few, many of the pesky little devils were very small catfish. I haven't caught little cats like that in Willard for a long time. However, I did catch a few "average" size cookie cutters on jigs too. They are always fun on the light rod I use for fishing small jigs.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The Wildcat boys done good too. They both ended up with nice baskets of cookie cutters for the fish cleaning station. They were already anticipating an evening fish fry.[/#0000ff]
sounds like you had a good time as usual. Im telling you cheated, oh wait, you already told on yourself [:p] hehe way to go. That itty bitty kitty is cute!
Don't you need some type of PFD for float tubes and pontoons?[Image: confused.gif] I couldn't see any on you fellows.
Were they blue eyed left handed minnows?[Wink]
[quote MrLipripper]Don't you need some type of PFD for float tubes and pontoons?[.img][url "[/img]"][/img][/url] I couldn't see any on you fellows.[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]There is a requirement that we have them on board, but not that we wear them all the time...unless we are under 12. LOOOOONG ways past that. We all have PFDs easily reachable.[/#0000ff]
[quote grzbear10]Were they blue eyed left handed minnows?[Wink][/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]SHHHHHHHH! Don't tell all my secrets. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The one thing I didn't even tell you guys is that you have to hold your left hand over your right eye while you cast...unless you cast with your left hand. Then you have to start with the right handed brown eyed minnows. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]This fishing stuff is so complicated. Good the catfish don't care. They just keep on munchin'.[/#0000ff]
Sounds like you had fun. I guess if I can drag my lazy butt out of bed we will be up to Willard at 6 am +-
I would really like to learn how to fish that lake.
So you are telling me I didn't need to paint their left eye blue? That was alot of work[Wink]
Hey Pat, will you post another picture of your line clip. I know that you did so a short time back, but my memory is not that good and I can't remember exactly how you rigged it. I know you used the handle of a plastic spoon, but that is all I can remember. Early onset Alzhimers. Thanks !!! Good looking kittycats !! You are going to have to set up a second smoker if you keep it up like these last few trips !!!
that red jig sure seem to get you alot of fish where do you get them?
Quote:[#0000ff]The jig fish may be considered illegal, since I do not have a 3 pole permit. But, I was really not fishing with it. I merely had it in the water to keep the worm from drying out in the heat...only a foot or so under the water. I couldn't help it if a stupid catfish came up off the bottom in 13 feet of water to smack it.[/#0000ff]

That is grounds to call the authorities! You better run I called Johnny Law on you for using 3 poles! Your hogwash story doesn't fool me and your setting a bad example, shame on you![Wink]
[cool][quote grzbear10]Sounds like you had fun. I guess if I can drag my lazy butt out of bed we will be up to Willard at 6 am +-
I would really like to learn how to fish that lake.
So you are telling me I didn't need to paint their left eye blue? That was alot of work[Wink][/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]BOTH eyes gotta be blue...and not just any blue. That will remain a TD secret.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have fished Willard since the mid 1970's. While I do claim to know a bit about it, I am just smart enough to not take it for granted. Sorry ladies, but I think Willard must be female. As soon as you think you got it figured, it changes on ya.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]This year has been a doozy. Since the lake filled up again it is literally a new lake. Not only have all the best spots of the last two years become deeper...and different...but even the places and patterns of past years are not the same as they used to be under similar high water conditions. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Some things stay the same. Find the fish, present the same lures the same way as before and you can usually score some fish. But, I Smile when fellow anglers can't figure out why EVERYTHING is not the same as before. Hey folks, after 2 - 3 years of low water conditions we are fishing for fish that probably weren't around in the old days. And, if they were they do not have memories. They don't know how we expect them to act. They are learning a new lake just like we are.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That being said, there are some areas that traditionally produce and methods that have stood the test of time...through all kinds of changes in the lake. I prefer to fish from my float tube, but I ain't proud. I would be happy to climb in your boat with ya someday and at least show you what I THINK I know. I'll even bring some left handed blue eyed minnows...maybe even the same in crawlers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Shoot me a PM and maybe we can plan an assault.[/#0000ff]
[quote Therapist]Hey Pat, will you post another picture of your line clip. I know that you did so a short time back, but my memory is not that good and I can't remember exactly how you rigged it. I know you used the handle of a plastic spoon, but that is all I can remember. Early onset Alzhimers. Thanks !!! Good looking kittycats !! You are going to have to set up a second smoker if you keep it up like these last few trips !!![/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]Attached is one of the pics from yesterday that I did not include in the post. It shows the first skinny kitty I caught, and includes a good picture of the "baitrigger" set up with a rod. The pic is good enough you can see the loop of line under the plastic clip...but because it is white on white, you have to look closely to see the outline of the plastic handle. So, I am also attaching a more explanatory pic I put together for the tubing board.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I used to use a paper clip and rubber bands. But the rubber bands do not last long in the sun. And the paper clip bent too easily and was difficult to adjust for tension. The plastic handles hold up well and you adjust tension on the line by pushing it further down to increase "horizontal hold". Sometimes the fish are touchy and too much resistance causes them to drop the bait. Other times you need more resistance to keep the line from popping out if you are dragging bait over rough bottom. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Everybody who has installed these things for bait fishing has really come to appreciate them. There is something exciting about hearing the little click of the clip being released and watching the line streaming out off the open bail reel. And then closing the bail and setting the hook. Much more involvement than just setting up a rod holder on the bank and letting a silly fish hook itself. I have also installed them on my PVC "sand spikes", although they is not one on the attached picture.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]A second smoker? Not likely. I do smoke quite a few fish, but also grill a lot of the kitties...especially the smaller ones from Willard. I only smoke the 2 footers from Utah Lake. And, I smoke them to eat, enjoy and share with family and friends. A fresh batch does not last long.[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]The plastics are 1 1/2" Southern Pro Little Hustlers. I used to be able to get them off the rack at Sportsmans. No more. Ditto for Cabelas. You have to order them online from Cabelas. (#205 in the pic below)[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The heads are "minnow heads"...1/16 oz...that I pour and paint. They are red glitter with a chartreuse eye. They are not available anywhere except from my tackletorium...or if you make your own. I also make them in a little Roadrunner model that takes a tube also. [/#0000ff]
[Image: i114360sn02.jpg]

[Image: widetab.gif][Image: black-spacer.gif]
These are the hottest tubes in crappie fishing. They're made with cooked-in minnow scent. Jig heads sold separately. Choose from the best selection of stringer-filling colors offered anywhere in the country. Per 25.
Sizes: 1-1/2", 2".
[left]Colors: (185)Purple/Black, (057)Blue/White, (051)Green/White, (032)Blue/Chartreuse, (131)Chartreuse/White, (972)Purple/Chartreuse, (109)Silver/Red, (055)Silver/Black, (203)Blue/Black, (090)Black/Chartreuse, (011)Red/White, (205)Red/Chartreuse, (126)Orange/Chartreuse, (962)Orange Pumpkin Pepper, (085)Green/Chartreuse, (091) Silver/Chartreuse, (963)Silver/Firetail, (037)Silver/White.[/left]
[Image: black-spacer.gif][Image: cbottom1.gif]

[#0000ff]I have been using that combo for almost 3 years and I have probably caught just about every species in Utah on it...from all waters. Don't know why it is so effective, but as long as the fish keep voting for it I will keep fishing it.[/#0000ff]
[quote catfish-logic]
Quote: That is grounds to call the authorities! You better run I called Johnny Law on you for using 3 poles! Your hogwash story doesn't fool me and your setting a bad example, shame on you![Wink]

[cool][#0000ff]Hey, don't you recognize a tall tail fish story when you read one? How could that have ever possibly happened?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As for you reporting me to DWR...strictly heresay. It would never hold up in court. Anyways, they would never take me alive. I'm armed with grenades full of rotten nightcrawlers and spray cans full of "aged" carp blood.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Bring it on.[/#0000ff]
Quote:[#0000ff]As for you reporting me to DWR...strictly heresay. It would never hold up in court. Anyways, they would never take me alive. I'm armed with grenades full of rotten nightcrawlers and spray cans full of "aged" carp blood.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Bring it on.[/#0000ff]

You are now on the enemy list of the FBI, the Food And Drug Administration and tragically— the (A.A.V.B.S.S) American Association of Vampire Bat Reproduction Statistic Society. And your almost number one on P.E.T.A's list of animal abusers. So how do you like that, huh?

Others include:

1. The Nevada Area 51 UFO Abduction Stripped Bass Committee.
2. The Utah Lake June Sucker Mermaid Costume Contest Head Quarters. (Its one of the judges of that contest thats mad at you.)

I had to stay up all night cause I left my clothes at my apartment laundry facility yesterday, and I don't want my clothes stolen! Its 7:06 AM right now and I have to wait 'till 8 AM. I've been up all night. Ready to snoooooooooooooooze.
[quote catfish-logic]
Quote:You are now on the enemy list of the FBI, the Food And Drug Administration and tragically— the (A.A.V.B.S.S) American Association of Vampire Bat Reproduction Statistic Society. And your almost number one on P.E.T.A's list of animal abusers. So how do you like that, huh?
[#0000ff]Thanks. Makes me proud to serve.[/#0000ff]

Others include:

1. The Nevada Area 51 UFO Abduction Stripped Bass Committee.
2. The Utah Lake June Sucker Mermaid Costume Contest Head Quarters. (Its one of the judges of that contest thats mad at you.)

[#0000ff]You need to change your meds.[/#0000ff]

I had to stay up all night cause I left my clothes at my apartment laundry facility yesterday, and I don't want my clothes stolen! Its 7:06 AM right now and I have to wait 'till 8 AM. I've been up all night. Ready to snoooooooooooooooze.

[cool] [#0000ff]TMI. Too much information.[/#0000ff]

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