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ODC 420 Tube-bin
So this is the bin I went with behind my seat. The lid is probably overkill, but nice for hauling to/from garage to truck. Fits and works perfectly. I've used it twice now.

Picked it up at Target. There's a pic of the label to help ID it for anyone interested. Also threw in some fish porn from today just because.
Thanks for the update, the bin looks like it seals up nice. Man those So-Cal bass are real nice. When is the next tube tourney?

Yeah, I was a little surprised at how the bin that fit perfectly was a little smaller than I envisioned it. But it's definitely big enough to be useful. You could easily fit a couple of tackle boxes in there, along with a jacket, etc.

Next tourney is August 15th. Thanks, that was a fun fish. I don't fish spinnerbaits as much as some other baits and yesterday they seemed to really like 'em.

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