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"Old News" This happened last year
I was just told about another poaching that happen in Layton last week.
It happened on Antelope drive where the road goes down a big hill and up again. There are farms on both sides of the road there (In the middle of the city) and some big bucks hang out in there.
Turns out there was a 30" 4 point hanging out in one of the fields and some stupid kids decided that it's life should end. They waited until dark and took thier 22s out and blasted the crap out of it. A nieghbor called the police as the idiots were loading the buck into the trunk of a car[crazy].
The good news is they got busted, the bad news is we lost another majestic mule deer to low life poachers. Poaching is getting wayyyy out of hand in Nothern UT
It's getting to the point where we have a better chance at seeing a poacher than a freaking deer. So my question is when is the DWR going to issue tags for these little varmits???
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I'm just glad they got caught! Now it's time to throw the book at them!
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Wonderful news! glad they got caught. I hope that the wheels of justice continue on and they are severly fined, Hunting rights and guns taken away from them.
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Get a rope[mad]
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Finally got the picture of this buck that was poached. What a hog!!! That one will probably make the "Wall of Shame"
[inline "Monster Buck.bmp"]
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Too bad he wont be producing anymore offspring. Nice buck! Another case of the too bads.
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Curious to when this took place as I noted the deer was hard horned and had a gray coat. [crazy]
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I agree with Packfan, this cannot be the deer that was poached, all the deer I am seeing are full velvet right now. I have not seen any without it. There was a decent 4-point on the side of the freeway hit, just as you leave Jordanelle headed for salt lake. He was laying in view and had nice head gear sticking up. Too bad he got hit and wont be running around anymore....
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This is an old post brought back to life. Look at the date on the original post (11-17-08).
This post was made right after the poaching happened last year. I didn't have a picture at the time. I thought I would update the post with a pic so you guys could see how big this deer is. My niece is dating one of the guys friends, and he had a pic on his phone.
Get it???
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Seems like the article should have been titled "Old News". [:p]
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That's a great idea! Quit reading them and quit replying to them and we will all be happy. You almost cause as many problems as I do around here. [:p]
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NOT QUITE! I told my buddies at Parker to give you a big hug I think you need one.[:p]
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Oh No!, not the "Buddies at Parker" threat again [crazy]
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I want to see the two of you hold hands and hug and sing I got you babe!
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Does anyone know what happened to these guys? Does Utah have harsher penalties for poaching a trophy animal like several states do? I hope they got the rope!!
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Last I recall was that the state considers anything larger than 24" a trophy mule deer. The penalties are definately stiffer when a trophy is involved.