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change of plans at least a little and need a littl advice
well it looks like the family decided not to camp at bear lake but spend the day sat. there instead. Instead we are going to visit my sister in logan and are planning on hitting mantua and I was wondering if anyone had any fishing advice on mantua. I have never fished it. I would love to get my boys into a mess of perch or bluegill (they are 4 and almost 3). Any advice would be greatly appreciated,
Jed Burton
I will have my boat. 17ft Trihull.
Last time i was there you could catch bluegill all day long if you drove accross the lake to the left side of the point. We were catching them on worm in shallow water from the point and working the shore to the left all the way back to the dam.
Jed, when I was up there a month or so ago, I first tried fishing in the deepest holes in the seaweed that I could find, but there weren't any fish to be found in the deep holes. We ended up catching them in about 6 feet of water. Just search around until you find some openings in the seaweed (you are in for a huge surprise when you see how thick that stuff is at Mantua). Use extremely small hooks with a small chunk of crawler to catch the bluegills and perch.
I was just out there two weekends ago and we did really well. We found em all over, but the bigger gills were out deeper and the bigger perch seemed to be in the shallower weed beds. I don't know much about perch, but I thought they would be hanging in the deeper water. We did best when we found a Weed bed with open water around and then cast to the edges of the weed beds and let it sink till you get a bite. Maniac gizzy bugs worked really good for the bigger gills. Good luck and good fishin!

Bluegills make the best fish tacos!
Head directly across the lake from the Launch ramp. Stay to the right a little and go about 3/4 the way across the lake. Like others mentioned small jigs tipped with worm work best. A few weeks ago we had GREAT success with pink, and red for the Bluegill and brown worked best for the Perch. My girls would just drop it over the side and would pick up a fish almost every time just letting it fall. I don't think they ever touched the bottom of the lake. You will pull up a lot of seaweed but it's worth it. Hope it helps and get them boys into some fish[Smile]

The picture has an example of the pink jigs my girls used[fishin]

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