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County Boat Docks
[font "Times New Roman"]Took my future son-in-law to Henry’s on Sunday. It was his first time to Henry’s and being that the following Monday was his 21st B-Day it was the next best thing to a trip to Vegas. We started out at the County boat docks just southwest of Wild Rose. I wasn’t really thinking of catching a lot of fish there, just showing Jr. the main points of the Lake. Also he’d heard the stories of the opening day combat at the docks. Anyway, this is the main part of the post. We had made about four casts or so, and I was really thinking of moving on the Cliffs, when we were approached on the docks by an officer from Fremont County. He came out and told us that it was illegal to fish from the docks. He was really a nice guy by the way. I asked him if the law had changed due to the opening day nightmare I had witnessed first had from a boat as we dogged people, boats and lures of all types as we took out. His response was no it has always been that way. I mentioned opening day again, and he added it was not enforced due to no one being here to enforce it. I saw Idaho F&G, along with folks from the Hatchery on those same docks and nothing about no fishing. Anyway I told him sorry we didn’t know, and thought it was a great idea and we would gladly move on. Besides he had a firearm, mace, and his ticket book, so no argument here. I was just curious, if this was really the case. I not 100% sure but I don’t remember it being posted in anyway. I was just glad I didn’t bring my daughter’s boyfriend home with a ticket for his birthday.[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]On to the fishing. We threw worms over in the Cliff area for a couple of hours. Jr. landed a 22 inch Cutt and an 18 inch Bookie. So alls well that ends well. It was really windy on Sunday. Most of the 2 or 3 boats we saw got off by noon. Did see three brave or crazy tooners and a lady on a flying bicycle blow by the Cliffs. [fishin][fishin][fishin][fishin][fishin][fishin][/font]
Big sign on the side right where you launch boats

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