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Need some ice fishing inputs!!!
Ice fishing in Texas is like drinking diet water.... it just ain't gonna happen!!!

But.... I'm sure that there may be some of you lucky enough to do some ice fishing and I'm needing your help!

What size jigs are you using? Are you tipping them with wax worms, maggots, etc? Or how about plastic bodies or some sort of synthetic body?

and how about line size? and finally..... what sort of rod/reel combo are you using?

I'd love to take up ice fishing but here in Texas that just means I'm tossing out ice cubes on the water and that's not too productive nor authentic! But I am expanding my product lines to soon include micro jigs and ice jigs and having this sort of information will be very beneficial in producing some fine jigs for folks to use.

Thanks so much!
You really should read the rules for posting on the boards. Your not allowed to post links until you have 15 posts and then you are still not allowed to post for your company without a Blue BFT supporter bar.
Thanks for the heads up....
Class act for changing that so fast.
the answer is all of the above.

the size of jigs and line and type of bait you use depends on the size and species you are targeting

You would be be better off asking different questions.

to head you in the right direction, I like moonglow jigs.

I like micro ice line

for gills I use a short rod reel combo
for crappie and perch I use a limper rod and same reel
for pike I like to use tipups, slammers, and noodle rods.

so what you might want to do is figure out who your costomers are, and the species they are targeting..

that is unless you are doing an on line market? then it dosnt matter and you are going to have to stock up on everything.

beleive it or not, there is more gear for ice fishing then there is for every other type of fishing put together....

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