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[unsure] Hello everyone

i'm from scotland great britian and i was just wondering if any one can explain or tell me what tube fishing is

as i have'nt got a clue what it is, and by the sounds of it ,its not reached this part of the world yet.

thanks martin
[cool]A hearty Yank welcome to you, Martin. And, welcome to our float tubing forum. We also welcome you to the BigFishTackle site. I'm sure you have already discovered that there are many different resources and informational aspects to our website.

I will personally be happy to send you a variety of different pieces on float tube fishing, if you are interested in exploring this unique method of angling. However, I must point out that your assumptions about float tubing not having yet found your part of the world are not entirely correct. There are thousands of enthusiastic float tube fishermen all over Europe, and especially throughout the British Isles. Float tubing has been found to be an ideal means of pursuing some of the lovely trout and salmon of your country.

You may use almost any good search engine to explore the sites listed under Float Tubing Europe...or Britain...or Scotland. However, you may want to first visit the site for a float tubing club in Britain, at the link provided below.

[url ""][/url]

There is much good basic information within that site. Come on back when you are ready for some specific suggestions on choosing gear, or tackle. We speak fluent trout as well as most of the other species you are likely to encounter in your home waters.

You may also wish to provide us with the names of your favorite waters and the species you most like to pursue. Perhaps we can add a new dimension to your angling enjoyment.
[Wink] Thanks tubedude , i checked the site out and it looks great. but one question before anything else it safe enough?

tubedude i'd be happy to drop you a list of waters in the u,k, i also have a huge list of charter boats for the salt water in the u,k that i've tried i'd be happy to drop you this also, ......from normal cod,pollock fishing to the big game fishing.

i myself prefer the salt water, but i try to get away as often as possible to try the trout fishing.

let me know if you want me to send you the lists it might come in handy if anyone comes to scotland for a holiday.

thanks again
[cool]There's no need for a complete list of all your fishing spots and/or charter services. I was just curious. If you check in on our forum from time to time, we will simply have you as an available resource to answer questions posed by anyone interested in the fishing available in your part of the world.

Like yourself, I would opt for saltwater fishing most of the time, if I had the choice. I lived on the Pacific coast in California for many years, and have made many trips to the Sea of Cortez in Mexico. And, I have ventured forth in a float tube all over the both fresh water and salt.

In most instances, you are probably safer in a flotation craft than in a small boat. However, in extreme weather or current conditions, you will be safer and more comfortable staying ashore, or going out only in a boat of suitable size and power.

I have a book ready for publication, which addresses all of the issues and concerns common to most newcomers to the flotation fishing game. I will send you a couple of introductory chapters through the Private Message system here on BFT. If you would like additional chapters, send me your email address and I will send them over one or two at a time, to help you decide whether or not this might add a new dimension to your fishing.
As far as safety goes, I would say that fishing from a tube can be very safe. For my wife's comfort, I will usually wear a life jacket as well. I would love a CO2 jacket, but for now, my Stearns jacket will suffice. The CO2 is a life preserver system that inflates via a carbon dioxide cartridge. It is much less bulky than a traditional life vest and much cooler on the hot days (90+ degrees F, sorry I don't know the C) I get out here in Utah.

Best of luck! I've always wanted to go fly-fishing in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Someday, I just might make it over there!

Welcome to the board!

thanks alot emuscud

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