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State Record Tiger
Nice catch and beautiful tiger. Please keep the lake secret! I don't know which one it is but too many great fisheries get ruined by those who do no work to find a place on their own. It takes work to find a good fishery and to learn how to fish them. Amazing spots should be protected with secrecy and only shared with discretion.

I usually don't do this but I am wondering if posting that this would be an almost 12 lb fish is a joke? There is no way that fish has a 19" girth and there is no way that fish is even close to 10 lbs. I would give a very favorable weight of 8 lbs but probably closer to 7lbs (even though that rainbow in its stomach may add a lb or so).

My buddy and I landed 4 tigers between 23-26 inches on Friday at a well-kept secret location and all were fat as can be but the largest was still under 6 lbs. The girth on the fattest was just under 13"s. The fish in the picture may have a girth of 16"s but probably closer to 14". Not trying to bust bubbles but claiming a likely 7.5lb fish to be almost 12 lbs is a little too much. If you want to see what a real 8-10lb tiger with a 18-19" girth looks like, you should look at some recent past posts.

Still a beautiful fish and a larger tiger than I have ever nabbed.
Agreed. Look at this fish caught this summer. Same length. 26 inches and weighed 9 pounds...
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Don't mind the fish jealousy, you have yourself a true utah trophy there!! You could've left out the measurements and i would've told you it was a giant tiger trout without giving you my opinion of what a big fish looks like. Looks like you should've been using maybe an 8 or 9 inch swimbait judging by the remnants of his last meal huh? Love it!
Its not that its not a nice fish. Heck, I would be ECSTATIC also, its the way he went about showing it off.


26" yes, 19" around? No sir...
Nice ceatch and I congratulate him. Jealosy, well not really. Like I said, we landed four fish in one trip close to the size of that fish. If it were a bright orange hookjaw male than porbably yes to jealosy.

Nice catch but why do fishermen always have to make their nice fish into even nicer fish. That was a 6-7 lb fish before the meal in its mouth. A nice fish but nowhere near 10 lbs.
[quote Jacksonman]Nice ceatch and I congratulate him. Jealosy, well not really. Like I said, we landed four fish in one trip close to the size of that fish. If it were a bright orange hookjaw male than porbably yes to jealosy.

Nice catch but why do fishermen always have to make their nice fish into even nicer fish. [#ff0000]That was a 6-7 lb fish before the meal in its mouth. A nice fish but nowhere near 10[/#ff0000] lbs.[/quote]

I'd have to agree with that statement
[quote Jacksonman]Nice catch and I congratulate him. Jealosy, well not really. Like I said, we landed four fish in one trip close to the size of that fish.[/quote]

So where are the pics to back YOUR story? At least this guy has pics, you have nothing but a little 16 incher as your avatar.

I think by now everone knows where this little "Private/Secret/Trophy" lake is. Fairly easy to tell by the shoreline in the second pic.
With any good debate you can expect good old hookjaw to enter. But I can understand. I would want to see pictures of big tigers too now that my BC secret is out.

Enjoy! Fish caught in South Central Utah last week in location not be disclosed so don't ask. 6 fish ranged between 3.5-6lbs.

All fish released unharmed.

[inline "big tiger 1.jpg"]

[inline "Big Tiger 2.jpg"]

[inline "Big Tiger 3.jpg"]

[inline "Big Tiger 4.jpg"]
Is it just me, or have big tiger trout replaced lake trout as a fish that when someone posts up a nice one on a message board, then every one else goes gaga and loses reason and civility?

Congrats to all of you guys that have scored nice ones recently. However big they may truly be.

As for "secret" lakes, how secret can they be when the tiger trout have to be put there by a hatchery truck and the details are readily available in the published stocking reports?
It is secret as I haven't seen the name come across any forums yet. It is not secret to everyone as we saw 4 or 5 other groups come to fish.

There are dozens of lakes all over the state that have had tigers stocked over the last 6-7 years. Those who put in the work to read the stocking reports, spend time and money exploring these lakes, spend time and money on unproductive adventures and then eventually find a lake that is producing deserves the right to not disclose the location to everyone through fishing forums. There are a few fishing buddies that I may take here but why do lurkers who never contribute or your couple of times per year fisherman deserve to know of a lake without putting in the effort themselves and spending their time and money to find it?

I posted so people can enjoy the pictures and I hope others will do the same, without feeling pressured to disclose the location. Pictures are better than nothing, right?

And tigers are way cooler than macs! (because I can't get a dang mack to bite my line).
What is wrong with you guys why would I lie?? That fish is a real trophy you don't have to agree but those are the facts I could not get my hand close from spine to belly and I have 8.5 inch hands it was 19" at 18" it beat the state record. Look at the picture of her mouth you can see she is massive on the top end?? There were 2 Massive tigers posted I don't know what they weigh but I would not call the guy a liar?? Plug it into the formula on the Internet that is what I have to go on. My old man caught a 9lb splake last year and this Tiger was way bigger all the way around. The guy holding those trout the realtor from Provo those are gorgeous trout but they are not even close to same size bro. Sorry to post this may have it removed.
Hey sykes87, killer job killer fish !!!!!!!!!!
It is easy to see your fish is alot bigger that the other fish they are showing ,
you can see your fish is a lot bigger just look at the head on it,
It is also funny that the same guys where running me down as far as the weigh of my last brown It is always the same guys on here doing it so don't let them get to you that is a trophy tiger you have be very proud of your catch great job
They get off on calling other fisherman lairs but you don't here us calling them lairs do you ,
OH by the way good to have you on the forum, [Wink]
what pm??
Now that is a fat fish!!!
No man, that was to Hooter boy. I sent him a PM about his Browns. Not trying to take anything away from you fish. It is a really nice one. I think the measurements are a little off but we will never know because it didnt get weighed and its swimming around somewhere in Sc... oh never mind. What did you think of the 9 pounder I linked to further up this debacle? That fish was 26 inches long also...
Let the haters hate, thats there job they got nothing of any substance going on in there lives so they got to interfere with someone who does.

That fish may or may not be the size Sykes says it is but who gives a flying !@#$
In the picture it looks to be a pretty nice hog so let it be.

If the guy says it 26 x 19 then so be it. Theres no way any of you can prove or disapprove what the actual size of that fish. None of the photos posted have any kinda of tape or scientific measurement next to it so for arguments sake I can easily say it a 14 inch guppie you photo shopped. LOL

The right thing would be CONGRATS ON YOUR CATCH and next time put a tape next to it or get an official scale before you post you got a state record. [Wink]
I totally agree with what you just said good job sinergy!!!!!
It seems as though when someone does post a nice fish on here, those who have envy about wanting to catch something go into a tyrade trying to knock them down so that they can get their jollies out in the open so they can feel better about themselves being mediochre fishermen to begin with. I agree that when a nice fish is posted, congrats is in order and that is it. All this bickering is one reason I hang out on another forum most of the time. Again cangrats on the nice catch. Keep your lines wet and ignore the mediochre fishermen that need to get a life.
Jacksonman and I both congratulated him multiple times. I just dont think its right to mislead people. I know for 100 percent that if he would have got on here and said here is a nice tiger trout I caught. I dont want to hotspot so I'm not going to say where. I didnt get a tape or a scale on the fish but its the biggest I have ever caught. He would have got this many replies and they all would be nice. Theres just something off about coming on here shooting and then expecting nothing but back slaps...
ONCE AGAIN, NICE FISH!!! I am happy you caught it.

[quote albinotrout]Now that is a fat fish!!![/quote]
Yeah and it only weighed 9 pounds.
Whoa guys. I didn't mean to get this started. If the fish was somehow really 11.75 lbs and the picture somehow doesn't do the fish justice, I apologize. Do you have any more pictures of it, maybe by a tape measure?

I am not claiming that my fish were as big but that they were close and that I have a good idea of weight of large tigers. There have been 2 or 3 tigers caught this summer over 9 lbs and they look so much bigger than the posters. I am still thinking this fish has about 14-15" girth that weighs around 8 lbs, maybe 9lbs with that trout in its gut.. Using one's hands to take a measurement is probably not the most accurate way to estimate a girth. My second picture was off a large male and it only had a 13" girth.

I rarely say anything when people drastically exagarate measurements but that fish, although a trophy and beautiful fish, is nowhere near 12 lbs from the pictures that I have seen. I would love to see more and be proved wrong.

Here are some comparable 9lb tigers:

[url ""][/url]

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So everyone keep fishing and posting. Great catch and thanks for posting.

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