11-04-2009, 03:50 AM
Wellm MaDfisher55 and I snuck out of the house about 6 :15 am and headed to Jordanelle Rock Cliff. We were able to leave Murphy behind for once and do a little fishin'. I had already put the toon away for the season after I was attacked by the pig plague last month thinking my luck has run out. After one call from Mark on Monday I was quickly convinced to pull it back out for another trip.
We hit the water around 8 by the time we got up there and set up. I tied on one of TD's patterns that I tied up last month for Huntington. I was planning revenge for the pig plague and the missed day on the water. I got one hit out by the buoys then nothing. I switched to the jackobugger, I ended up with two hits. Nothing wanted to impail itself for some reason. I found a nice cove filled with submerged trees and decided to see what was in there. I proceeded to throw the jackobugger when the radio crackled "I goty one and its about time". MaDfisher55 caught a 13" bow on an olive bugger. I stayed in the cove a little while for I was getting little tugs that felt a lot like perchies were trying to nibble the jackobugger. Nothing impailed so I switched the fly rod for the spinning rod and proceeded to throw a chartreuse jig. I ended up catching a tree and losing the jig after about 10 minutes of nothing biting. I put the spin rod away and pulled out the fly rod again and headed back to the buoys. I switched to a brown bugger, nothing, nada, zilch. So I went with my old standby. My own olive wooly bugger that has tested itself true so many times in the past and BANG!!!! A nice 16"+ bow smacked it and ran. [
] I was able to bring it in but it got camera shy and jumped off the toon. As it did so it tried to impale the size 8 hook into one of my toons but alas it did not. After that it was slow again. I would guess that the fish were well fed overnight due to the full moon. We did mark a lot of fish hanging around the 18-26 foot depth. We would see structure on the bottom and schools of fish surrounding said structure but all seemed to have a case of lockjaw. We got on the water with a water temp of 48 and left with a water temp of 50. There was one other toon that showed up later in the morning and several boats including two powered barges. I saw one of the barges pull in a fish but nothing else. We left around 2-3 pm a little stiff and me with two dead batteries. One for the trolling motor and the other on the radio. I did have to change the batteries out on the fishin buddy part way through the day.
I thought we did good, avoided murphy and had a great day. But alas Murphy was not pleased that he got left home and showed up late. He decided to take out my fishing for the rest of the season. Pic attached. So I would love to head to Huntington on Wednesday with the rest of you, but alas Murphy has messed it up for me again.[mad]
We hit the water around 8 by the time we got up there and set up. I tied on one of TD's patterns that I tied up last month for Huntington. I was planning revenge for the pig plague and the missed day on the water. I got one hit out by the buoys then nothing. I switched to the jackobugger, I ended up with two hits. Nothing wanted to impail itself for some reason. I found a nice cove filled with submerged trees and decided to see what was in there. I proceeded to throw the jackobugger when the radio crackled "I goty one and its about time". MaDfisher55 caught a 13" bow on an olive bugger. I stayed in the cove a little while for I was getting little tugs that felt a lot like perchies were trying to nibble the jackobugger. Nothing impailed so I switched the fly rod for the spinning rod and proceeded to throw a chartreuse jig. I ended up catching a tree and losing the jig after about 10 minutes of nothing biting. I put the spin rod away and pulled out the fly rod again and headed back to the buoys. I switched to a brown bugger, nothing, nada, zilch. So I went with my old standby. My own olive wooly bugger that has tested itself true so many times in the past and BANG!!!! A nice 16"+ bow smacked it and ran. [

I thought we did good, avoided murphy and had a great day. But alas Murphy was not pleased that he got left home and showed up late. He decided to take out my fishing for the rest of the season. Pic attached. So I would love to head to Huntington on Wednesday with the rest of you, but alas Murphy has messed it up for me again.[mad]