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Ririe Resevoir
I was formaly Match on this forum and when I upgraded to Windows7 I lost my cookie to this website. The "forgot your password" link confirms sending me a new password but it never worked.

Anyways, My wife and I just bought a way old boat with a trolling plate on the outboard engine. We have two pole holders and two downriggers on this boat. We gave Ririe a try hoping to land some Kokanee. We bought some trolling gear pop gear and tied on a wedding ring for one pole. We also trolled a gold spoon and a gold blue fox spinner. We put in at blacktail and it was windy enough that trolling was difficult, sometimes we would have to rev up the engine to get back in a straight path.

After two hours we landed about 12 cutthroats and we released 6 . I think our catch rate would have been better if we weren't fighting the wind so much. We did not use downriggers because the areas we fished were only about 30 ft deep.
Things that worked for us,
gold blue fox spinner, gold spoon, wedding ring setup, and brown trout rapala.
Things that did not work
silver/black spoon, silver blue fox spinner, worms, and a black/silver rapala.

we left because the wind started to pick up around 2pm. No kokanees, but when we headed back to the dock and brought in our pop gear setup, the wedding ring was gone! must have been jerked off by the monster fish for sure! it failed on the factory knot at the hook...

we had fun and our kids really enjoyed the short fishing trip.

Great detailed report. Sounds like things went well for you with the new boat. I have no idea where the kokes would be found at this time of year. It will be a challenge to find them during ice fishing season as the water is so much higher than last year.

You will find Kokes n the Meadow Creek Arm also. Use your. Downriggers. I use ours to make sir I. am getting the lures down to where the Fish are based on what I am seeing on the fishfinder. I usually put them at different depths until I find the right one. Good luck
Thanks for the tips,
I got great feedback from a post on Island park about trolling. I use barrel swivels about 18 inches from my spinners and this prevents the twisting I was getting the first time I tried trolling.

This is my first year at any honest attempt at fishing. started late in september and now wish i had more time to hit the lakes with this new boat. I have really enjoyed trolling since it provides a change a scenery.

Is the meadow Creek arm on the dam side? I remember this area has depth over 100ft. Last week we headed out straight from the docks into a channel with depths of only 30ft.

Meadow Creek is the arm on your right as you head toward the Dam. The willow. Creek arm is good for trolling. I use my downriggers all the time in that depth to keep the lures at the depth the fish are.

Don't be afraid to use your. Downriggers. If in doubt about the depth make a scouting run and check it out and then start fihihing. Remember. Right know is one. Of the best time to fish

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