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Deer Creek,11-09
Got an early start and were fishing by 7:15. It was cold! No wind and still quite dark. Started on the RR side targeting the eyes. Picked up a nice smallmouth and then a 18 inch walleye right off the bat and then nothing for a long time. The sun came up but didn't warm us up too much. About 11:00 we gave up on the eyes and trolled back to the marina fishing for trout. Caught four nice ones and put back a couple of small ones. When we got to the marina, there were tons of trout jumping everywhere. Obviously, the stocking truck had been at the State Marina and dumped a load. While I went to retrieve the truck, Rustyhook threw a spoon that we had been using for the eyes and caught two fish on four tries. He said I should have been slower to get the truck. It was a really good day. No wind and very few boats. If you want to get the kids into some quick fishing, now might be the time.
Great day on the water!!! What did the walleye hit? Spoon? Looks like it was a cold one. Thanks for the report. I would like to fish deer creek one more time before it freezes and then many times after that.
Crippled herring spoon 1/2 oz. nickle/neon green stripe. came from deeper water. Will probably fish it till it freezes.
That frost on your winsheild looks cold! Great job on the eye. I really love that lake and it's so much more fun to fish from my toon without the power squadron.
Suprisingly enough, there was one fool water skiing up by the island about mid morning. I can't imagine how cold he must have been.
LOL, you got to give it to that guy, he was difinitely paying the price.
[fishin]We were up there this morning and there was some one boarding behind a boat. Fishing was great for bows 12 to 16 inches and a couple nice browns. Good day on the res.
back up today 11/11/09. couldnt find any eyes, but picked up a couple of 18 in rainbows that we kept for the smoker and some planters that we put back.

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