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there are signs of ice here and about.
portable shanties are popping up here and there.
[ul][li]if you are a biginner, travel the well corsed paths layed before you.[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]if you know what your doing be carefull[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]if your an expert, stay the hekk off the ice you dont belong out there.. [sly][laugh][/li][/ul]Happy new year and may the ice be with you...
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I poked me a hole yesterday afternoon.
only found about three inches of ice.
as most every one here knows yesterday was the last day of bass season. and yup, I got me a bass. Pic to come as soon as I find me som fresh batteries for the camera.
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I caught about a dozen keeper gills and one LMB that was released unharmed.
I was fishing on about 2-3 inches of ice.
I still have to find my jigs and pull out my slammer and switch the summer reel over to my slammer rod and switch the spool with the one holding my ice line from last year. I am not buying new ice line this year, I got new line at the end of last winter so I should be good to go.
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the fish are hitting slow, but still worth the effort,
I caught 25-30 with only half dozen small keeper gills one one small keeper crappie.
the bite is about the same as last year. peck give a sec and then set.
todays catch
[url "javascript:;"] ![[Image: DSCN1362.JPG]]( [/url]
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Mighty Moose Strikes a gain
5 pike for today,
my biggest and the one I kept was 27 inches.
[url "javascript:;"] ![[Image: DSCN1365.JPG]]( [/url]
not caught by mighty moose is the two 9 inch gills and three 12 inch crappie.
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6 inches ice on pontiac lake.
Somebody put the wow in slow today,
well that is for the pan fish,
Mighty moose was bussy today pulling up pike left and right on pontiac lake.
I caught a total of 4 24-26 inchers with mighty moose and one 23 incher on my crappy rod with 4 pound test line using a number #12 circle hook. Yes it did take me a half hour to land him, and yes I had an audiance of eight,
sorry no pictures today I forgot to take my camera and I put them all back so I dont have a harvest pic. I left them all there for the next guy who wants to get in on the fun.
between 8 of us, I saw only one crappie and two respectible gills. no perch and no rock bass.
I did catch about a dozen or so gills but none of them keepers.
one of the guys got his elbo wet sticking his hand down the hole to grab his runaway rod. he caught it but at a cost, wet arm and lost jig.
rumor has it that there are eyes getting caught near the bridge in saginaw. I havent been there so I can not testify the quality of ice..
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]Comming from the sunny shore of Proud Lake today, aside from the long walk and being weary of the moving waters of the huron river t[/size][/#000000][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]hings were on the slow side again today,
aside from the hoards of tiny fish being caught I only saw one respectable gill and one borderline crappie.
I did have a little more pike action, ever have to be in two places at once? I hook in to one pike and in the process of getting him in I thought I had snagged my other line 20 feet away, So I paid no mind to the second rod, well that was untill I pulled in one pike and realized I had not snagged my other line so I ran over to fight and pull in the larger of the two toothied critters on 4 pound test line using a number 12 octopus hook.[/size][/#000000][/font]
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[center][url "http://javascript:;"] ![[Image: 2_Pike_at_a_time.JPG]]( [/url]
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Comming at ya from Cass Lake today,
the bite today is slow and steadilly slow, No pike today not even a missed hit. a few perch showed up along with a few crappie and gills, one of the guys said he had an eye on for a couple minutes but it slipped off.
[center][url ""] ![[Image: Crappie_Perch.jpg]]( [/url]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]Pokin holes around maseyday lake today, faired a little better than yesterday, and hope not as well as tomarow.
half dozen keeper crappie and a dozen moderate gills. Sorry no pike and no pics today, [/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]
I seem to not be able to unplug the camera from the computer after uploading photos.. dont know if its a brain fart or just over anxious
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]Back at pontiac lake today,[/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4][/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]things a tad slow, I did get enuff for a more than I should eat gill and crappie dinner. Yep, I et em all... [:p][/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4][/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]for fun today one of the guys went and got himself an eye on the line, six pound test, so he played it pretty good. he even got its head up in the hole, I was reaching for my gaft to help get the eye out of the hole and it was about the time I grabbed it when the hook flung out of the eye's mouth just missing his buddy, he threw his rod to the ice and dove in after it and the cell phone in his shirt pocket fell out and in to the hole, going down with the eye.[/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4][/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]I need me a vidia camera.. lol,[/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4][/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]by the way, if any one gets a late night phone call from Wallie in pontiac lake, Well, you'll know who it is from... [sly][laugh][/size][/#000000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 4]Found my self out at Cresent Lake today,
again the gills were slow, I got my frist rock bass this ice season and add another pike to my hit list for a total of 7 for this ice season.
This one was 21 inches and was safely and promptly returned after a photo opp...
I caught this one on my slammer, for those of you who are keeping score, that is now 5 pike for the slammer and 2 for the itty bitty crappy rod...[/size][/#000000][/font]
[center][url ""] ![[Image: 2010_pike_no_5.JPG]]( [/url]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4]gills were slow again, took all day to come up with a dozen for dinner. [/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4]we hit walled lake the morning bite, we managed to pull up this little 25 inch hook swallower, good thing she was 25 inches cuz she swallowed that trebble but good, no way to pull it and return her to the wild.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4]the rest of the day was pretty mondane. south east wind blowing a damp bone chilling air.[/size][/font]
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[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][size 4][url ""] ![[Image: 25_inch_hook_swallower.JPG]]( [/url][/size][/font]
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Ice conditions have become deplorable in the last few days.
cooler temps are due for the rest of the week, so by weekend I expect conditions to be about the same pre thaw of last week. We still need more deep freeze temps to make ice some what stable for atv's and snow mobiles.
I did see a few die hards treding lightly on the ice in a few places. I dont tred lligt in my birthday suit so I am staying off completely untill we get more stable ice.
I checked my minnow bucket today, and most all my minners were floating on the bottom of the bucket, so I pulled them out and packed them in kosier salt and placed them in the freezer to freeze dry.
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picked up a dozen nice gills today, sory no pic.
10 inches of ice most every where, but this dosnt mean you shouldnt take caution.
looks like a good weather weekend for south east michigan, so get out and catch a fish...
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lots of water and slush on top of the ice.
wear your rubbers if you want to target your favorite species...
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rough walking on the ice today boys.
pretty day, sun shinging.
again I found my self in the middle of a high presure system.
which of course you all know by now means I caught no fish again. well nothing to speak of.
buy since I was lacking pictures this winter, I took a cople to show the crunchy walking conditions and one to show the kind of fish we were getting.
![[Image: image.gif]]( [url ";postatt_id=58358"][#212126]DSCN1373.JPG[/#212126][/url] (1009 KB)
![[Image: image.gif]]( [url ";postatt_id=58359"][#63626b]DSCN1374.JPG[/#63626b][/url] (1022 KB)
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Going for that small fish award again DaveT? [  ]
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I had a little better luck last night, I caught to perch twice that size.
I did manage to catch 1 and 1/2 walleyes.
I got one up just at sundown only my gaft was to far away and I could not get him to turn his head to come up the hole, I imagine his had to be at least 22 inches.
the second one I got up was a good hour to an hour and a half after dark, it was only 14 inches, minimun size limit is 15 inches here.
I must say, it was nice to see a couple eyes even if I didnt get to take one home. [cool]
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caught today 4 hours prior to this post.
today I caught things that began with the letter P
I caught a peuny pike
I caught a peuny perch
I caught a pepsi pop... lol true, and it was still good [laugh]
[url ""] ![[Image: DSCN1375.JPG]]( [/url][/url]
the pike was returned to the lake unharmed.
I am sure If I could have got him to lay out streight he would have made 23 inches. that still would have been an inch too short...
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Horse falls thought the ice in bloomfeild michigan today,
the fire department was able to get the horse out of the pond, but the horse died on the way to the hospitol