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Scofield Ice Conditions?
I have the usual questions.... How thick is the ice? How are the edges holding up? Any slush?

Thanks! I plan on making a last ice fishing trip to Scof with my father this wednesday when the weather is nice.
Ice should still be good for a while at Scofield. The edges are solid, ice is thick, and as of Saturday there was no slush.
I did find some slush later in the day. Early in the day the crust was enough to hold me. In the afternoon I found areas that had 8inches of snow with 3-4 inches of slush on top of two feet of ice. Made for a little harder walking. It was -2 at 8:30am, and 35 at 5:30pm. Should easily be good ice through the weekend.
What general area where you in that had the snow and slush? Sounds like I'm going to bring the snowshoes.
Dude its still March. Of course there is good ice at scofield. Hope you have a power auger.
I was on the far west side. Areas that had been fished were slush free. The areas that hadn't been fished much had slush.

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