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Thirty-five newly installed highway billboards near lakes and rivers are warning Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota, and Michigan boaters and anglers this summer not to pick up Aquatic Hitchhikers. In addition, signs in Minnesota at the Twin Cities International Airport, show what the invasive fugitives can look like and how to stop them before they stow-away on boats and trailers and spread to other waters. Television ads during favorite Saturday morning fishing shows are showing sportsmen how to take action against invasive species. Wanted posters in local papers are instructing residents: Wanted Dead, Not Alive.

Wildlife Forever is leading the battle here in Minnesota, and across the Midwest with thousands of virgin lakes, rivers, and streams at stake. Partnering with the U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife Forever's Threat Campaign is fighting back by posting billboards and creating Public Service Announcements on how to help stop the spread of invasive plants and animals.

As invasive species slip across state lines, other states and agencies are joining Wildlife Forever in the fight. Iowa, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Utah, and New Mexico are all finding that outreach and education offers the best ways to fight back. According to Dr. Nick Schmal, Fish and Aquatic Ecology Program Leader of the U.S. Forest Service, Eastern Region, representing 20 Midwest and northern states "Getting folks to understand how they can make a difference in stopping aquatic invasive species is critical. Wildlife Forever is doing that through their unique multi-media marketing approach and by bringing organizations together to pool and save resources."

Their march across the American landscape can be seen and felt from coast to coast. Invasive plants, animals, and viruses from foreign places are illegally staking claim to land and water right in our own back yard. Thankfully, forces are aligning to eradicate these lawless invaders.

Make this summer open season on invasive plants and animals. To learn more on how you can join this national movement, call Wildlife Forever, 763-253-0222 or visit the website at and click on Invasive Species Central.

Media Contact

Pat Conzemius( 763) 253-0222 or


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