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Clean Vessel Grants Available
WATERBURY, VT - Federal grant funds are available for projects that will help improve boating sewage pump-out facilities in Vermont according to an announcement from the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department.

"This is great news for anyone who cares about clean water and boating in Vermont," said Mike Wichrowski who oversees the grant process for Vermont Fish & Wildlife. "Having more money for pump-out facilities makes it easier for boaters to do the right thing and have their on board holding tanks pumped out and sent to a sewage treatment plant."

The Clean Vessel Act (CVA) of 1994 was passed to help improve water quality by providing recreational boaters with a means to move sewage from their boats into treatment facilities. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reviews grant proposals for CVA projects from all 50 states. Approved projects are given funding for up to 75 percent of the total cost of the project.

In Vermont, typical project proposals are from marinas that want to construct or upgrade pump-out facilities to assist boaters in properly disposing of sewage. The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department administers the CVA grant program for Vermont.

Projects that can receive federal funding include the construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance pump-outs and dump stations used by boaters. This money can also be used to pay for projects that hold and transport boater sewage to sewage treatment plants, such as holding tanks or piping.

Anyone interested in applying for these funds is encouraged to act quickly to fill out an application form describing how their project will address the goals of the Clean Vessel Act.

Information and grant applications are available from Michael Wichrowski, Vermont Fish & Wildlife, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-0501. Tel 802-241-3447.

The deadline to apply is December 11, 2009.

Media Contact

Mike Wichrowski - 802-241-3447, Eric Palmer - 802-241-3700


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