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I wanted to catch some White Bass. Went down to my favorite spot on the Spanish Fork river. When I got out of the truck I could hear splashing. Grabbed my rod and walked down to the water. It was a mess! Brown water, full of weeds and gunk, and carp splashing around everywhere. Made two casts. Both times I brought back moss covered with fish eggs. There must be thousands of them in there. More than I've ever seen, and I have been fishing that spot for thirty years. Gave up and went straight to the pawn shop to see if they have a good bow for sale. No go. Now I'm thinking that maybe one of those new high tech pellet guns would be a lot of fun. Gotta have something to kill a few hundred.
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[cool][#0000ff]Have bow, will travel.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Disgustipatin' ain't it. Those heathen carp just spending their lust all over right in front of everybody. They don't deserve to live.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Two irons work well. Ditto for Louisville sluggers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'm sure you will figure something out.[/#0000ff]
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a pitchfork is alot cheaper than a bow. then you can use the carp for fertilizer.
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Where is this location??? I am ready to sight in my bow ha ha
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TubeDude you are the greatest Carp hatin' son-of-a-gun I ever heard of. Your hatred of carp reminds all of us that we should just take sticks of dynamite and toss them into Utah Lake whenever we see a carp-orgy.[cool]
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[cool][#0000ff]Illegal...even for carp.[/#0000ff]
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[cool][#0000ff]I was pretty sure you knew that, but there might be some folks on the board who don't. Didn't mean to sound snarky. Wouldn't want somebody to lose a nice air gun to a DWR officer and then blame it on you.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am an "airhead" my own self. Always enjoyed punchin' holes in things. When you get a fine gun with good sights it is amazing the accuracy and the effectiveness of those things...on carp. I won't admit on a public forum that I have actually tested a pellet gun on carp, but I HEERD TELL that a pellet betwixt the eyes is a great carpinator.[/#0000ff]
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bought mine for hunting pot guts while fishing. its always on the boat with us.
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What about blazin' flat out through the pods of the disgusting things wit' my boat. Ever now & then you can get lucky & screw up a couple of them's day.
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[quote GEEZER]Dude,
What about blazin' flat out through the pods of the disgusting things wit' my boat. Ever now & then you can get lucky & screw up a couple of them's day.[/quote]
[cool][#0000ff]Now that's just plain nasty.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Love it.[/#0000ff]
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I gotta get me one of those. I want the Gamo whisper, but I did buy a bow. Sportmans warehouse has a PSE recurve with an arrow and a big spool for 139.00 Now I can kill some carp and stow the bow in my boat for anytime the carp show up while we are fishing.
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I got me one of those Gamo Whisperers, but they do anything but whisper...they're loud! For a BB gun! $269 as I recall...the price of a .22 but with the ammo of a BB gun...WOW! First shot went almost all the way thru the SL yellow pages! My Crossman would only go thru about 30-40 pages with 10 pumps. Gamo needs 1 and over DOUBLES the penetration!!! Found some new ammo at Sportsmans with teflon me a pot gut!
These guns are by far the most AWESOME of guns, and it never ceases to amaze me! More power than a blown dragster!! I carry it in the boat on most occasions, for whatever reason, but I also carry my bow in the hopes I see a "pod" of carp.
I WILL NOT do anything against the law KNOWINGLY! I have been known to do some things and think later "don't know if that was totally legal" but then who amongst us are lawyers??!
Get a Whisper, but use the BOW & ARROW on carp. Shotguns makes ALOT more hallaballoo!! Seen a carp in my uncles farm pond in Kansas almost make it 10' in the air with 00 buck!! And the fish weighed almost 10#! Well...maybe 5# that was flying out each side!
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[quote walleyebob] I gotta get me one of those. I want the Gamo whisper, but I did buy a bow. Sportmans warehouse has a PSE recurve with an arrow and a big spool for 139.00 Now I can kill some carp and stow the bow in my boat for anytime the carp show up while we are fishing.[/quote]
That PSE is a pretty good bow. I bought one for my wife. Got her the 45 lb one and it still goes right through them. It is now one of her favorite things to do. One word of advice if you get more serious about bowfishing is to get one of the AMS reels. They are the best IMHO. There is nothing better than putting arrows through big carp.
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I'd a lent you a bow. I've got about a dozen either that I have made or picked up somewhere. My favorite fishing bow is a little black locust longbow I made, currently.
The best thing about primitive gear is that I can make up a hundred basically disposable arrows, usually from tamarisk shoots (another invasive specie, you see the beauty of it...) about 4' long and thick as my finger for weight and stiffness...and since I can "take" carp with archery gear, but no actual mention is made of a LINE attached to the arrow....
You know, because RECOVERING the carp isn't the priority here.....