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Starvation Sneak Attack 9-7-10
[cool][#0000ff]I was planning a trip to Starvy about mid week. But a "little birdie" told me that Mama Nature knew all about it and was planning a Huff N Puff party for me. Actually, it was the weatherman who told me and then he flipped me the birdie. I hate it when that happens.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Soooo...I loaded up my car early this morning and hit the road before Mama Nature got up. Launched at Bunny Gulch a bit after 7 to almost calm water. Air temp was a brisk 40 degrees...but warmer than the 24 degrees as I flew by Strawberry earlier. Water temp was the same 63 as the week before but it was a bit cleaner...and none of the clumps of weeds that I have had to fight the last two trips.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The day started off good. First drop outside the rock hump got a good whack, hookset and heavy headshakes. Walleye? Nay. But a chunky 14 inch smallie. Got several more smaller smallies on the next few drops. Fun but not my primary targets.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Moved out into slightly deeper water (22 feet) and BINGO BANGO...a keeper perch and a teen incher wallie. Wow! 3 species in less than 15 minutes. Only needed one more for my grand slime. Took care of that later with some rainbows.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Only a slight ripple all morning. A pleasure to fish on a totally quiet lake. No boats, no campers. Oh yeah, Mike4Cobra cruised in about midmorning doing some prefishing with his dad for an upcoming tournament. He had caught only a few walleyes. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Found several big schools of perch but they were all small fish. Fished around them but found no larger perch or walleyes feeding on them. Started working in and out...shallow to a double dropshot rig on one rod and vertical jigging tandem jigs on the other. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]When I got to the area I had found so many rainbows last week they were GONE. Hardly saw any fish on sonar. But, I kept picking up a stray keeper perch here and there...along with some small smallies and wee wallies.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The weather forecast was for Mama Nature to discover me on the water about 1 PM and to get huffy about it. Right on schedule it started getting a little "airy" and putting some chop on the water. Last week that got the trout more active so I put away my perch tackle and brought out the spinner. Started slinging in the middle of the channel and got into some starvation salmon (rainbows). [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The fish were deeper than last week and I had to let the spinner drop a ways before making a fast retrieve. Actually caught a silly perch on a trout spinner. But I also caught a half dozen feisty bows. I kept 4...2 to share with the sis in law. But just as I reached shore in the chop one of those bows rocketed up out of the open lid on my basket and flipped me the middle fin as he boogied back out in the lake. Houdini bow.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Funny how things change from week to week, seemingly under the same conditions. But fish will always operate according to their schedule and not mine.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Still, even though the fishing was slow by Starvation standards it was a pretty fair day. Woulda been great on some waters.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Attaching a picture I took after beaching my tube. You can see how the water has continued to drop and it has exposed previously underwater weed beds. They look like big puffy sponges. They stink too.[/#0000ff]
Nice Pics and report, sounds like a good, calm morning.

Great report. I loved to story about the fish jumping out the the basket. [Smile] I'd say he deserves to swim another day.
Thanks for the post I always love your starvy posts, there are always fun details and great pics!
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks Hoss. Glad you like 'em.[/#0000ff]
Excellent! Thanks for sharing... HA! I loved the 'bow flipping the fin. You'll get him next time, I'm sure of it.
Now that would have made an impressive photo - flipping out and flippin' fin - FREEEEEEDOOOM!!! (I can hear it, just like Mel Gibson in Braveheart!)

So next week you'll have fashioned a PVC lid to cover that basket, no? Did you see him flop away in your rear-view mirror?!

I did not brave the crowds and head there over labor day weekend. But I did get some fishn in. I'm always impressed by how plump and healthy looking those perch are. And I'm still thinnin' before the snow flies I gotta try that water....

The Mrs was wanting some honey-dos done before she'd let me run off with the boy on Monday to chase cats. Don't think she meant it as one, but I took it as a compliment when she complained that we had TOO much fish in the house!

Smoked Wiper tacos from Friday, then some kitty-crunchies fried up last night. Gotta get my Omega-3s man!
Thanks for the post, story, and photos - again. I get the feeling you must like Starvation a little?
"So next week you'll have fashioned a PVC lid to cover that basket, no?"

[cool][#0000ff]The fish baskets I use come with a wire lid that is held in place with a spring. I remove the spring because it makes it easier to drop in a fish with one hand rather than having to use both hands to force the fish down through the lid. This is especially handy when fishing a school of perch or white bass when it is fast action and the fish are not large enough to force open the lid by themselves. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is very uncommon for most of the fish I catch to spy the opening and then to consciously leap through the hole to freedom. It has happened with several species. No biggie. Survival of the fittest. A smart fish like that deserves to pass on their genes to future generations. I don't cry about it. I usually laugh and salute the wily wascal.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Like Starvation? Yeah verily. To me it offers the current best place to fish for multi species...using the same tackle and techniques...with a real expectation of catching a bunch of each on an "average" day. There is no better perch or walleye fishery in Utah these days. And if you like smallmouth bass it will keep you busy almost anywhere around the lake. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Until last year the only trout were the few but sizeable browns. They were considered a nice bonus by those who caught one and had a real following that fished them in late fall and at ice out. Since the rainbows were heavily planted last year there seems to be a whole new group of anglers who hit Starvation just for the trout. I personally enjoy catching them but usually count them as "just another species" in a multi species day.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Once you gain a bit of knowledge about Starvation it will usually treat you well. The only time I have come close to blanking is through the ice. That lake is stingy in the winter. All the fish hide out in their little fishy ski lodges through the winter and watch the dumb ice fishermen on closed circuit TV. I'm sure they get a good laugh as they see us running all over the lake on our wheelers and snow mobiles and drilling holes where they ain't.[/#0000ff]
I'm definitely heading over there to Starvation during Ice Season. (I wonder how far away it is from Cache Valley?) Never fished it before, and the fact that it's a multi-species water is a thumbs up in my book. I love catching any species, I'm not picky...but have always preferred the Slimers. I will meet you over there this winter, TD!
[cool][#0000ff]I don't think there are any roads open from Cache Valley in the winter that would shorten your trip to Starvation. You will need to go to Ogden and then take the Cheyenne (84?) turnoff to Park City...and then to Heber. Hwy 40 east from Heber. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My suggestion is get a small group and make a couple of days of it. Hit Starvation one day and Pelican the next. Well worth the extra drive if you have gone all the way to Starvy. Stay in Roosevelt or Vernal for the overnight part.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let me know when you got it together and I will share some ice with you.[/#0000ff]

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