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Utah Lake whites?
I am hoping to fish UL today after work(monday the 13th). I am most interested in white bass. I will be launching from AF. Anyone care to send a guy a few tips?
Thanks, Shane
Troll Small spinners and small plastics slow till you find the school. Vertical jig once you get into the school. They are in tight schools now and may be a little hard to locate. Where there is one there is a ton.

Good Luck,

there have been several good posts in the last few weeks. have you cruised the forum and looked around? Don't mind giving tips, but a fella should do a little homework first [laugh].

Seems like moving water has produced the best. Mouth of the Provo has done well for boaters, waders, tubers and bank guys. I always launch from Lindon and fish the north end, but maybe launching from Provo State Park would be a good idea? not sure how big your boat is or how much traveling you want to do.

we caught several nice ones fishing for cats south of the bubble up last Friday morning. about 200 yards south of the bubble up right along the weed line. I didn't wan to cut up another WB for bait as we were leaving soon, so i switched to worms. caught 2 nicer WB in about 10 min. the wife still had a piece of WB on and she caught a nicer as well around the same time i did. like a school came through or something.

on the north end, a few people caught some from the boat docks at Lindon. and we nailed a few at the poo river. but they were out a ways in a little deeper water.

hope that helps. hope you slay some. check the other posts for colors and bait size. we were using 2 inch(?) double kick tails in pumpkin and also caught a couple on chartreuse. i don't think color or jig size matter as much as being in the fish. A lot of people tip their jig with worms, but i usually don't. i do sometimes to help find them, but once you get into them, again, i don't think the worm matters. but try it and dont stop doing what works for you.

good luck.
Hey SBennett I was at Lindon harbor for a few hrs on friday and ended up catching 30 white bass. I caught them fishing around the docks and out fishing the main part of the lake off of the shore.

I had some new colors and a new style of plastic bait that I make and I want to try out and see how it worked.
[Image: IMG_7593.jpg]
[Image: IMG_7597.jpg]
[Image: IMG_7594.jpg]
Well Im making some more of my new plastic baits and some of my other custom baits that worked great for white bass to try out and for a couple other guys that are going to try for some white bass this week.

At American fork earlier we caught alot of white bass off the shore fishing in the main lake to the west and some off and around the docks. Well good luck and we willl be waiting for your pictures and report.[Smile]
We launch from Lincoln Beach on Saturday evening and spent about an hour trying to find a school. We found them in about 6 feet of water 100 yards from shore near the hot springs. We were using 2" jigs and they didn't seem to care what color. We didn't tip with bait, but I use some of that Gulp attractant to lube the jig before I put it on. Unfortunately by the time we found them, it was getting dark and we had to head in.

[Image: 47737_1610431306954_1421385081_31619131_8291677_n.jpg]
Shane, fished the mouth of the Provo about ten days ago and caught about 40 wb. Trolled around until I found them as was mentioned, and then useed two in curley tail tiped with crawlers, and later a meps spinner. Color didn't seem to matter. Good luck!
Shane, fished the mouth of the Provo about ten days ago and caught about 40 wb. Trolled around until I found them as was mentioned, and then used two in. curley tail tipped with crawlers, and later a meps spinner. Color didn't seem to matter. Good luck!
Shane I was at the mouth of the Provo about 10 days ago and cauth about 40 wb. Trolled around until I foung them, as was mentioned, then cast 2 in. curley tail grubs tipped with crawler. Later swithced to a mepps spinner with good luck also. Color didn't seem to matter. Good luck
Shane I was at the mouth of the Provo about 10 days ago and cauth about 40 wb. Trolled around until I found them, as was mentioned, then cast 2 in. curley tail grubs tipped with crawler. Later switched to a mepps spinner with good luck also. Color didn't seem to matter. Good luck
Sorry guys, I let you down. I brought my boat to work so I could head to the lake right after. Due to a lack of staff I had to stay late and couldn't make it. Do you know how it feels to take your boat home after not using it when you really wanted to go? It's not a good feeling.
Thanks for all the tips and good fishing to you all.

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