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Deer Creek?
Headin to DC in the am Fri the 17th tomorrow. Anyone had any luck from shore recently? I usually fish the south side ?
We sure haven't had many reports from Deer Creek this year and now lately. Did you make it up there on Friday? If so please let us know how you did, thanks.
I didnt make it up Fri. Was going to go today but didnt trust the wind !
Me and Tannersgrandpa went to DC this morning @ 7:00am, light wind out of the south, water temp @64. We trolled with pop-gear and worm from Sail Boat Beach to the Dam along the road side and left at 10:45 with our limit, four that were 18-20 and four that were 16-17. threw back some dinks, had many hit and releases, but those felt like baby dinks that needed to go back to their schools anyway. Maybe 20-25 boats on the lake, but the power squadron were getting lined to go terrorize the remaining fleet.

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