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was going to head to Scofield today but things changed.. so me and the boys headed down to Redmond insted.. was not a great day but fun.. we got there about 9:00 this morrning other then the duck hunters we had the lake to our self's.. tommy started things out with a small pike, then jonny missed one.. then i cought a small cat.. tommy jumped in again with another small pike.. jonny could not let that go so he hit a small pike.. i had 2 good bites and missed them.. then things slowed down. we were just about finished at 1:00 but i got one last bite, hit that one but not what i expected.. was about a 2 lb bass.. so not to bad of a day fishing with the boy's..
hope to be ice fishing next week tho..
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Great post - nice piz, thanks for sharing. Haven't been down that way, but might have to give it a try. Didn't know we had Pike around here - so they're not TigerMusky? Are there restrictions on em like there are for Musky?
Good variety of fish brands, and nice bass! I'll bet he put a bend on the rod! What were you fishing with?
Dig the hat too. Bright enough to draw the pike's attention! Are there BIG pike in there also?
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[cool][#0000ff]Nice work. That ice looks a bit thin even for the fearless Fuzzy one.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Were you soaking minnows on the bottom?[/#0000ff]
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Nice catching
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lol yeah we have some places to catch pike here in utah.. Redmonds, yuba, and the green river, are some that i have tryed.. there is no size restriction on pike, (like musky) you can keep up to 6 pike. on redmond.. i dont keep very many of them tho.. have not found a way to cook them that i like.. lol.
we used anchovies,redside shiner's, (that's what the bass hit) and chub minnows.. under a bobber with cable leders and a 3/0 bait holder hook..
pike bite diffrent then trout tho ya got to let them take it a lot longer then a trout..
yeah ya got to dig tommy;s mad hatter's hat as he call's it looks more like the cat in the hat's, hat to me tho.. lol
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lol yeah there just as much ice on Redmonds as there was on huntington 2 days ago..
not to much longer tho.. [sly] i hope,