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Arizona Game and Fish Commission Appointment Recommendation Board to interview 5 commission applicants on Nov. 15
The Arizona Game and Fish Commission Appointment Recommendation Board decided at its Friday, Nov. 12 public meeting that it will interview five applicants for the Governor's next (2011) appointment to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. The interviews will be held at the Appointment Recommendation Board's public meeting on Monday, Nov. 15, 2010, beginning at 8 a.m. at the Arizona Game and Fish Department headquarters, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086.

To see the Board's announcement of the applicants that will be interviewed, visit<br />
Per Arizona State Statute 17-202 (which became effective in July 2010), the Arizona Game and Fish Commission Appointment Recommendation Board shall assist the Governor by interviewing, evaluating and recommending candidates for appointment to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. The Commission Appointment Recommendation Board shall recommend at least two, but no more than five, candidates to the Governor. The Governor must select and appoint a Commissioner from the list submitted by the Board.<br />
For a meeting agenda for the Nov. 15 meeting, visit and click on the link toward the bottom.<br />
For additional information about the Commission Appointment Recommendation Board, contact the Governor's Office of Boards and Commissions at (602) 542-2449 or toll free at 1-800-253-0883 or on the web at<br />
For more information on the Arizona Game and Fish Commission, visit


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