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National Fish Habitat Action Plan Inducted Into Fresh Water Fishing Hall Of Fame
(Washington, DC) - The National Fish Habitat Board, is pleased to announce that the National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP)(, has been inducted into the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame (, which is located in Hayward, Wisconsin for 2011.

NFHAP, along with three other organizations -the Fargo-Moorhead Chapter of Walleyes Unlimited, Kennebec Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF), were inducted into the Hall of Fame in the Organization/Corporate or Governmental Entity category.

The National Fish Habitat Action Plan is one of 41 organizations to be inducted in the Organization/Corporate or Governmental Entity category, since the awards started in 1984.

The Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership (, a Fish Habitat Partnership under NFHAP, also received a special recognition from the Hall of Fame for 2011.

About the Award and 2011 Inductees:

2011 Organizational/Governmental Award

Considered are organizations or governmental entities, which have demonstrated and/or performed a valuable service or act to benefit fresh water sportfishing within its jurisdiction or the boundaries of its organization whether local, regional or national.

The National Fish Habitat Action Plan

The National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP), is an attempt to conserve (protect, restore, enhance) fresh water, estuarine and marine waterways and fisheries in the United States.

The National Fish Habitat Action Plan is implemented through on-the-ground partnerships across the country. It uses the North American Wetlands Conservation Act as a model in an effort to protect, restore and enhance fisheries habitat through a series of partnerships across the country.

The partnerships include government, industry, local communities and anglers. They represent the types of joint efforts the Hall supports for preserving and restoring fisheries habitats.

The Action Plan has brought together fisheries professionals and other partners with a shared interest in restoring waterways and fisheries in the United States. The Action Plan is diverse and focused on achieving national awareness and obtaining resources for conserving fish habitats.

Fargo-Moorhead Chapter of Walleyes Unlimited - North Dakota/Minnesota

Fargo-Moorehead Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. was founded in 1977 to "promote conservation, sportsmanship and education in respect to walleye fishing." Under this mission, the members of this organization have forged a positive impact on sportfishing on both a local and regional level by:

* Sharing knowledge and a love of the outdoors to our youth, the future stewards of the outdoor sports.<br />
* Sharing a passion for the outdoors through events which allow others to experience the sport of fishing.<br />
* Donating funds to support fisheries management and lake access in Minnesota and North Dakota.<br />
* Publishing a club newsletter to communicate activities, opportunities and information.<br />
* Being actively involved in the political process, providing grassroots feedback to policy making officials.<br />
* Bringing locally, regionally and nationally recognized speakers to its members and the community.<br />
* Providing a platform from which careers in the outdoor sporting industries have been launched.

Kennebec Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited - Maine<br />
KVCTU is in its 30th year. KVCTU has won the Trout Unlimited national Golden Trout Award, the highest award the national organization gives to its members' chapters.

Shortly after being organized, a KVCTU member inquired at a meeting about passing fish over the Edwards Dam, the first dam on the Kennebec River in Augusta and at the head of tide. About 20 years later, the dam was removed, opening 26 miles of river to a variety of sea-run fish and improving the habitat for several fresh water species. It was the first dam in the country to be removed over the objections of its owner.

KVCTU members are extremely active in a number of volunteer services:

* Visiting over a dozen middle and high schools and two colleges teaching all elements of fly fishing (tying, entomology, reading water, etc.) and conservation;<br />
* The Special Olympics;<br />
* Project Healing Waters at the Togas Veterans Administration Hospital; and<br />
* Maine Department of Transportation at their annual Employee Recognition Day and an annual Ladies Day, where women can learn to fly fish

Recreational Boating &amp; Fishing Foundation (RBFF)<br />
The RBFF uses marketing, outreach and education strategies to grow participation in recreational boating and fishing. Their programs successfully reach out to American customers, creating public awareness and motivation to start and continue fishing and boating. Awareness is generated through consumer marketing strategies such as advertising and public relations and through building partnerships to leverage RBFF's awareness generating efforts.

The RBFF also works with stakeholders at a grassroots level to convert this consumer awareness into sustaining boating and fishing participation.

Some of their national programs include:

* Angler's Legacyâ„¢<br />
* Passport to Fishing and Boating<br />
* Take Me Fishingâ„¢ National Campaign<br />
* National Fishing &amp; Boating Week

About the National Fish Habitat Action Plan<br />
The National Fish Habitat Action Plan is the most comprehensive effort ever attempted to voluntarily conserve freshwater, estuarine, and coastal waterways and habitat across the country. The Action Plan is a science-based investment strategy to protect, restore, and enhance fish habitat. This effort focused on ensuring that conservation dollars stretch farther by combining federal and privately raised funds to build regional partnerships to fix key system processes that control fish habitat, not just addressing symptoms of the real problems. For more information, visit

About the Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership<br />
The Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership (RFHP) is one of seventeen fish habitat partnerships (FHPs) under the National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP). It is presently the only nationwide (excluding Alaska and Hawai'i), system-based FHPs under the Action Plan. The RFHP was established to promote the protection, restoration, and enhancement of habitat in reservoir systems for the benefit of fish and other aquatic species. This partnership works with local stakeholders like lake associations and anglers; state, tribal, and federal government agencies; industry and non-governmental organizations with interests in improving and maintaining the health of reservoirs systems for the mutual benefit of aquatic species and humans alike. For more information about the RFHP, visit

Media Contact<br />
Ryan Roberts<br />
Communications Coordinator<br />
(202) 624-5851


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