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Jmax, Chick, Crappie, 12/16/10, Polo
I think me and Polo talked ourselves right into going fishing. After posting the winter fishing post he called me and asked if I wanted to go. emoThumbsup He said he could go around 4:30 this afternoon late so we knew we did not have much time. It was raining and a little windy but it worked. One thing good about going with Polo is his boat is already in the water. emoTongue Got there a little early and hooked a nice crappie off his dock but lost it reeling it in. Polo showed up right after that and we hit the wolf for a quick trip. Found some decent crappie holding from a 10 to 15 count. Boated eight nice keepers that made it to my house. emoHungry Had a couple shorts that were released, one bream, one white and two drum. All were caught with Mr. Crappie high viz line in four lb test on crappie assassins. Had a good little trip for an hour and a half. Was back at his dock at 6 and heading home to clean me a mess.<br /><br />Had half of them for supper this evening. Nothing like eating fish that were still kicking when you cooked them emoEvil I am stuffed. Thanks for the invite there Polo.<br /><br />C-ya on the water. emoAngler Jmax

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